Show me the research about joke percentage to racist ratio"Some definitions
Discrimination (direct and indirect) occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another in a comparable situation due to various characteristics of perceived difference, including one’s racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, gender, age or sexual orientation. There are, however, exceptions when direct discrimination is allowed, for instance, if there is a ‘genuine and determining occupational requirement’ – for instance, employing a Catholic director for a Catholic care home or a black actor for a particular role. In reality discrimination often takes more subtle forms. That’s why indirect discrimination needs to be taken into account. Indirect discrimination occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice would disadvantage people on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, gender, or sexual orientation unless the practice can be objectively justified by a legitimate aim.
An example of direct discrimination is a job advert, which says ‘no Roma people need apply’. The ‘but for’ test can help spot direct discrimination – e.g. but for my black skin colour, would I have been treated in the same way? An example of indirect discrimination is an employer introducing a dress code without good reason, which might discriminate against some ethnic groups.
Harassment occurs when someone violates the dignity of a person on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, gender, or sexual orientation and creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive environment (e.g. making racist jokes at work).
Victimisation occurs when someone is treated poorly or differently. This often occurs after having filed a complaint on grounds of discrimination or after supporting a colleague who made a complaint (e.g. dismissing someone for complaining about cases of discrimination targeting themselves or another person).
For more information:
European Commission webpage on tackling discrimination
EU Handbook on how to present a discrimination claim "