Considering WPF mechanics and X-Bows inherently higher accuracy than other ranged types, as well as damage, I fail to see how a Wielding a crossbow, a stack of bolts, a poleaxe, all while in plate, is any better than the previous system. Even if, with the new system, you're forced to use a crossbow instead of a heavy or an arbalest, it doesn't seem like anything has changed. Crossbows have the least investment needed out of all ranged and they have some of the best possible ranged damage. I think because of their low investment, which I'm not suggesting needs to be changed, they should all be two slots to help balance them with bows and throwing.
Currently battle servers have reverted to how they were before the most recent patches, that is, with all melee either bringing a pike or a crossbow along with their heavy two-handed/polearm weapons. The first minute or two of the battle is a camp fest where all the ranged just take pot shots at each other. Crossbows during this time become every bit as effective as bows are, but then late in the round, when the ranged are forced to enter melee, the crossbow guys pull out poleaxes and claymores while the bows have to pull out one handers. Not to mention Crossbowmen are much freer to use heavy armor than bowmen are.
Sure, lower tier bows like the Strongbow and Khergit are 1 slot so if they bring one stack of arrows they can do the same thing. The difference though, is that bows require far more of an investment to be good with. Spending skill points is mandatory for bows while not for crossbows. 120 wpf minimum(and this is being generous) is mandatory for bows while crossbows are perfectly fine at 80 wpf (And I know a couple of people who only get 50 wpf in crossbows). There is also a significant STR/PD difficulty difference(that I wouldn't suggest changing) between the two ranged types. You only need 10 str for the highest tier 1 slot xbow, but 12/15 for the 2nd highest/highest 1 slot bows.
I could go on, but I'm interested in seeing what other people think as well.