Yea, thats what your propagandahistory claims. None of it is actually true. The na zis were dicks to jews, too everyone else they were relatively decent. Red army was dicks to everybody. Burned, looted and raped everything. This is all documented and true. And 80%? Where the fuck did you read that horseshit? No offence Nicko, but your russian books have been more than proven to be wrong a lot, so its kinda impossible to believe them. In some cases your history sticks sw astikas on groups of people who never were na zis, but just common people, who the USSR just didnt like and murdered. Russian historians only get payed in russia, everywhere else their "knowledge" is garbage.
Well, ok now that we are on the past, Nicko has a point. The Baltics states, and many other countries handed over, and even helped killing off Jews. I.ex Norwegian police handed them over to be shipped off to Poland.. I also know some horror stories from Lithuania and Poland..
Now though, keep in mind that this all happened in a context where germans were seen as some kind of liberators. And anti-semittism was widespread in the whole of europe, and even US at the time. The germans just took those emotions way further than anyone else. As a consequence, as to not to confuse the post-war generation, that part of history is easily forgotten by the victors.
"The na zis were dicks to jews, too everyone else they were relatively decent."
Not really, no. From the very beginning of the war in the east they were merciless and brutal. For example, after the attack on the polish post office in Danzig they executed 38 prisoners. (
I really can't stand the idea that the chocolate chip cookies weren't so bad. Cause they were really really really bad. Much worse than anyone else, even though they all did horrible things. Let's say: The chocolate chip cookies were especially inhuman, a special case.
Now then: The chocolate chip cookies in Ukraine are not the chocolate chip cookies of wwii. In Ukraine they would not exist if it were not for the idea that Russia has been abusing/holding back Ukraine in the post USSR time. Their existence is a reaction to Russia's actions.
Their style and philosophy convenient, to rally poor, stupid hooligans for the cause: A free Ukraine. (Just like the chocolate chip cookies in Russia find a home, meaning, brotherhood and manliness, not so easily displayed with no money.)
They have power in Ukraine, because their subculture fought the hardest on Maidan, and stayed there afterwards. The new government had no choice, as there were no police to hold them back. Besides they are useful as non-corrupted troops, that will not leak everything to the RF.
Once Ukraine stabilizes they will again disappear and be marginalized.