The only thing I notice is people getting more and more receivable for conspiracy theories and less able to differentiate between the different media and contents they get presented and instead of seeing the complexity of things just make up their own truth. Which right now in germany seems go well with an incredible charitableness with Putin's and his fellow's actions.
„Conspiracy theory“… Is that meant to be an insult? However, I don’t see how Putin’s and “his fellow’s” actions make the German population less able to differentiate between the different media… German media mainly are indistinguishable already. If not forced into line…
By the way, I still got a question you didn’t answer yet.
Thank you for your constructive and helpful criticism.
What's your problem with the videos man?
@Anuran - so some political actress has an oppinion and supports one guy over the other. This is proof of... what exactly?
Wow, are you serious? You didn’t really pay attention to what they said. I also don’t talk to my neighbor and tell him about Merkel that she should call Obama 3 times a day and that the German finance minister should better become the foreign minister. I don’t say that to my neighbor for nothing.
Payette to Nuland: “[…] so I think you reaching out directly to him helps with the personality management among the three and it gives you also a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it.”
You know, if russia AT LEAST PRETENDED to act in the interests of Ukraine, or did not shat left and right on international agreements - it might be worth talking with on the level you expect/propose. However - there is one sad thing, that only a VERY small minority in the west are willing to admit - russia will talk, only if it has a SIGNIFICANT upper hand and can raep you left and right OR when it has not much other choice. In the first case - not talking is sometimes better, in the second choice... well, it happened with China recently, what with all the gas deals (if you can call this a "deal", when even the price was not agreed upon
) Ukraine is NOT in this situation and it chose to talk with the EU. Why should it invite russia?
I understand your reasoning, i.e. how butthurt russia basically means, that its neighbors have to bee butthurt too, but I do not support this attitude of russians and I think people that DO support this behavior are basically one step from supporting rape, because object of attraction married someone else.
Putin proposed a peace plan and he recently pulled back his troops on Ukrainian border. Ukraine did not pay its gas bills and is highly in debt. I also don’t get why you talk about “rape” coming from Russian side. There was an association agreement made some time ago and a Russia-correspondent of ARD with yearslong experience has said that this agreement would tear the Ukraine apart. And that, I quote, “we, the media, HAD to know and tell this”. This agreement was made between the EU and Ukraine as far as I remember. It was definitely not made between Russia and Ukraine. So who is raping here. “Not talking is sometimes better”, well, in this case it is definitely NOT better. Tell eastern Ukrainian civilians that it’s better if the West doesn’t talk to Russia.
Hell - national news-agency TASS is using some CREATED german professors to create artificial support for russia, which is then in turn appreciated by russian consumers
- Incubator-lie
- Iraq’s WMDs
For example.
Another thing concerning Udo Ulfkotte: He has published a book called “bought off journalists – how politicians, intelligence agencies and the high finance control Germany’s mass media” (“Gekaufte Journalisten – Wie Politiker, Geheimdienste und Hochfinanz Deutschlands Massenmedien lenken”) and it seems to be really really good. I don’t have it (yet?) so I don’t know what’s written inside, I can only assume the main point. It’s also said that journalists who publish an article about this book might get fired… When a Dutch journalist called FAZ (where Ulfkotte worked for years) and asked FAZ for a statement concerning the book. But they just don’t give a comment on the book. They just keep quiet collectively. His book must contain too much truth.