
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7080 on: October 14, 2014, 12:33:34 am »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7081 on: October 14, 2014, 01:26:18 am »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7082 on: October 14, 2014, 02:20:52 am »
I may be an imbecile, but I receive massive informations about what is really happening in Ukraine and about Daesh. You are probably more intelligent thanme but if you receive fake informations, your judgement will be wrong. Right ?

Yeah, 'massive' is correct.

Massive loads of bullshit is what you are receiving. One just has to randomly hit up your post history and prepare for a facedesk.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7083 on: October 14, 2014, 08:35:33 am »
I may be an imbecile, but I receive massive informations about what is really happening in Ukraine and about Daesh. You are probably more intelligent thanme but if you receive fake informations, your judgement will be wrong. Right ?

Just a quick point Tovi. The reason most crap you read about isn't reported by the Real News is not part of a conspiracy. Its that news organizations require multiple confirmations of authenticity, and have rigorous fact-checking departments to investigate and pursue stories. Many driven journalists, putting their safety and lives on the line in pursuit of the truth and a desire to expose lies, crimes, or basic inhumanity, have toppled governments, started or ended wars, and changed tons of lives.

The random shit you post, is basically all going to be unverified trash with anonymous sources, or demonstrably controlled by government agencies. And places like Russia, Egypt, Iran, etc have pathetically harsh treatment of dissident journalists for the very fact that a free press is the only way to a free society.

Al-Jazeera seems to be a legitimate news outlet that many of us read internationally that isn't so Western-centric, even though it is of course ultimately owned by Qatar. How many articles do they have corroborating the RT version of foreign affairs, where every, single, thing, is the fault of America/CIA/whatever, and anyone geopolitically opposed to American interests are blameless victims in neverending plots of aggression? 

Like dude, reality is nuanced, over 6 billion people in the world and everyone has their own reasons and motivations for doing things, but in ur reality its like every single person are pawns in some CIA/Zionist conspiracy, and if 2 people have opposing views, one is a puppet of enemy propaganda, the other is 100 percent right in all ways.

Do you honestly think in a war like in Ukraine, there isn't just maybe the fact that "war is shit" and people end up doing terrible things for terrible reasons? Like, everyone will agree that shelling civilian-filled city centers or w/e by Ukraine is terrible. Yet there are people who would disagree with even the basic FACT that Russia gleefully provides equipment and training to the separatists, is in control of all peace negations on the "separatist" side, regularly lobs artillery over their border, so on and so forth, helping to perpetuate the circumstances that makes Ukraine decide that their best options are to shell enemy positions.

Like I can understand debating WHY Russia feels the need to defend its interests in Ukraine the way they are, and thinking they did the right thing in seizing Crimea, attempting to subjugate Ukraine, feeling hostile to NATO, etc. But when you deny basic facts that have countless, basically endless, cross and counter-checked sources of evidence, you aren't having a conversation or able to change anyone's minds about anything. You look like an ignorant fuckhead who believes the first thing someone tells them, for no reason, except your own prejudice.

Being from NJ and watching 9/11 happen IRL and the impact it had on everyone who lives in that area, I hold special annoyance at dirtbag conspiracy theorists, who trivialize reality at the expense of Young Adult Novel level storytelling of Good and Bad guys. Do you even think.. before you decide what to think? Its more like you just agree, instead of think. Its what drives ppl crazy about you or those like you. It is *~YOU~* who is really the blind sheepish fool, Tovi.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7084 on: October 14, 2014, 08:53:32 am »
Christo and Kujjis try to desperatly defend their positions. But we all know the truth now about Ukraine. The true Maidan revolution is defended by Novorossia, not by fascists and oligarchs of the West.
Begging acceptance by the others, assuming being RIGHT, being part of "WE ALL"... so touching. I had a tear in me left eye... due to an onion.

@Anuran - so some political actress has an oppinion and supports one guy over the other. This is proof of... what exactly? That US incited the rebellion in the east, sham referendum in Crimea?

Well I don't watch russian TV, just some channels a little, and what I watched was like "according to the statement of smb and so on". I didn't see that russian TV blamed president Poroshenko, most of blames were to right sector like 80% of video.
Also I don't watch western TV, just saw some programs with fake statements. Not many. And as I said a lot of fake information on the USA briefings made by Psaki and her assistent. Also Rasmussen.
About Crimea in the place of Poroshenko I would make a new referendum with foreign watchers, but I think it won't help anyhow. People will choose Russia again, maybe less %. It will work if Ukraine will reach EU economics and Crimea people will see that it is much better to live in Ukraine. But it will take many years, because I think that EU will just use ukranian market like new consumers. So all domestic production will die later.
You watch one news "a little". Those same news, watched NOT a little 6 months (roughly) ago started calling Ukrainian government naztees, junta and made russian-news watching sheeple population of Crimea + eastern Ukraine (well, at least sufficient part of it) so afraid, that they were willing to accept russian ex-intelligence officers as their "freedom movement leaders". Or well, they in fact had not much choice, since those punks just grabbet all the weapons they could find and then were given some more by russians. So thats one "news" source you have.
And you dont;t watch western TV, just the select mistakes that your "little" watched news choose to share I guess.
Thusly - you choose to compare both medias and judge their reliability... riiiiiiiiiight. I rest my case here.

As to regions with local majority of big neighboring country ... lets call them "friends" suddenly voting for their independence is not taken seriously. The reasons basically sum up to NOT repeating mistakes, which were made in the wake of WW2.

DonNicko said Russia wanted to be in the discussion. Russia could have been in the game and compromises could have been made between everyone involved. You can do it the easy way, or the hard way. "The hard way it is? Ok then." This could sum up the whole Ukraine affair.

At the time of the discussions it was more about economics than politics, but as Maidan showed, the question of the economical agreements between Ukraine and Europe/Russia became a political/ethical choice.
Yanukovitch was corrupted, but during his mandate he kept a certain balance between the two bipolar forces of this world: west and east. Now it has been completely replaced in favor of one side through civilian unrest, and the country itself is paying the brutality of the change, whether its totally Russia's fault or totally Ukraine's fault or both. As in all revolutions, there is hard times ahead and a adaptation phase where many things will be lost.
You know, if russia AT LEAST PRETENDED to act in the interests of Ukraine, or did not shat left and right on international agreements - it might be worth talking with on the level you expect/propose. However - there is one sad thing, that only a VERY small minority in the west are willing to admit - russia will talk, only if it has a SIGNIFICANT upper hand and can raep you left and right OR when it has not much other choice. In the first case - not talking is sometimes better, in the second choice... well, it happened with China recently, what with all the gas deals (if you can call this a "deal", when even the price was not agreed upon  :rolleyes: ) Ukraine is NOT in this situation and it chose to talk with the EU. Why should it invite russia?
I understand your reasoning, i.e. how butthurt russia basically means, that its neighbors have to bee butthurt too, but I do not support this attitude of russians and I think people that DO support this behavior are basically one step from supporting rape, because object of attraction married someone else.

Supporting Maidan was exactly the same as supporting Eastern unrest at its civilian desobeissance phase. The comparison stop here, you are right.
So you choose an artificial period of time, during which one side was having a mixed bunch of oppinions, and the other side began concentrated anti-maidan attacks in the media, to which Ukrainian people were VERY succeptible and russian owners of their media KNEW it. We could argue about it being "the same", but lets agree to disagree on this, CBA to continue :)
I would still look at the big picture, not an isolated one...
And in that "bigger picture" I can already see all the Ukrainian forces with bunch of NATO armament supplies, mecenaries and special forces winning and pushing back the almost lost battle. True story. NOT.
Support for Maidan was by words, promise of economic benefits in the future and an idea how to move away from corrupt past to much less corrupt western way of living.
Support for eastern Ukraine civil war was shameless brainwashing with kid cruficitions and other artificial stories, coupled with training, arming and commanding local "rebels", which according to pre-war pools were not even in the majority in the said regions. Plus - annexation of Crimea, which everyone treats as an invisible elephant in the room (GOD I started to like this comparison :mrgreen: )

Except for the obviously rigged results, the annexation of Crimea was so perfectly done that its going to be hard convincing everyone that "it needs to be re-taken".
Even if there was a new real referendum now, I doubt the population would say no to being a part of the Russian Federation, thanks to the current propaganda from both sides, which works to reinforce nationalism and territorialism.

So now its only a case of does Ukraine really want that land, and can? There's as much historical/nationalistic reasons that both Russia and Ukraine wants it... That would be a bloody mess.
On this - I can only concede. The best Ukraine can do is clean its shit up (its been done before, e.g. Polant, Baltic states), and then see how all those "we live well" russians and belorussians CLOG shopping malls in towns near borders. Man... fucking PUBLIC ANOUNCEMENTS in Vilnius shopping malls are given in 3 languages: russia, Belorussian and Lithuanian. Why the fuck do they drive in their shiney cars 500km for shopping  - I have no clue  :rolleyes: But it feels good. And this is what Ukraine has to do, if it wants Crimea back. Key is that Crimea wanted that and that russias internal support for bullshit creating government was low. Both of these ARE possible, given 20-30 years window.

Not much to say on 4., except on the "Western press, the proper, serious one - they doublecheck and report what they saw in a reasonably conservative manner, not what they read, imagined, created or simply were paid to report" which is a very nice but too crude  to be believed angelisation of a corrupted system which is the global medias of today.
I'm not angelising... There is so much sut and bullshit there, that one has to be an idiot to believe it wholeheartedly, but key is that if you have 3 or 5 conflicting reports about the same event - you CAN more or less figure out truth. Plus - I can find you BUNCH of retractions, apologies or even court sentences which are results of actions taken to remedy the mistakes of wester press (given, that we are not talking about fox news and similar shit), but find me ANYTHING like that for the bogus stories of RT, or LifeNews, or any other mainstream russian news outlet (removing a story does not count  :rolleyes: ). Hell - national news-agency TASS is using some CREATED german professors to create artificial support for russia, which is then in turn appreciated by russian consumers, who get the hope "at least SOME in the west understand us"... well... its NOT true. Umomu rossyu neponiat - as one of their commercials say (roughly - "you can't understand russia with intelligence/mind")

/end of wall of text :P

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7085 on: October 14, 2014, 09:43:04 am »
Man... fucking PUBLIC ANOUNCEMENTS in Vilnius shopping malls are given in 3 languages: russia, Belorussian and Lithuanian. Why the fuck do they drive in their shiney cars 500km for shopping  - I have no clue
We drive in Vilnus not for shopping , in Vilnius shopping malls we need only condoms  :)
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7086 on: October 14, 2014, 09:57:22 am »
We drive in Vilnus not for shopping , in Vilnius shopping malls we need only condoms  :)
Good to know that ... And asking for tax-free condoms... you don't forget that either, aye?  :rolleyes:

You basterds... using our roads, our sidewalks and then skimming on paying taxes on condoms :(

See? Total proof of russian abuse of its neighbors. Tovi! Can't you see it?!

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7087 on: October 14, 2014, 11:50:58 am »
Smoothrich putting that much effort in response to anything Tovi writes is a complete waste of time. He's a literal 9/11 truther, a decade after Loose Change. Anything that is nuanced or reasoned will slide off his dumb, vapid brain like water on a duck's back.

US= Omniscient and omnipotent, nothing on the planet happens unless it is pre-approved and planned out by shadowy CIA figures sitting in smokefilled rooms, advised by the ever present zionists of course. Anything that accords with this fantasy = truth. Anything that contradicts this fantasy = lol sheeple obvious propaganda.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 11:56:23 am by Oberyn »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7088 on: October 14, 2014, 12:00:38 pm »
We drive in Vilnus not for shopping , in Vilnius shopping malls we need only condoms  :)

That's rich, coming from the country hemmoraging prostitutes and hookers all over Europe. :)
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7089 on: October 14, 2014, 12:04:40 pm »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7090 on: October 14, 2014, 12:35:04 pm »
Already got you covered Vibe-o  :D

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7091 on: October 14, 2014, 03:03:08 pm »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7092 on: October 14, 2014, 03:11:01 pm »
So you choose an artificial period of time

I compare what is comparable  :)
Unrest at Maidan and unrest in eastern Ukraine had the same beginnings.

Support for Maidan was by words, promise of economic benefits in the future and an idea how to move away from corrupt past to much less corrupt western way of living.
Support for eastern Ukraine civil war was shameless brainwashing with kid cruficitions and other artificial stories, coupled with training, arming and commanding local "rebels", which according to pre-war pools were not even in the majority in the said regions. Plus - annexation of Crimea, which everyone treats as an invisible elephant in the room (GOD I started to like this comparison :mrgreen: )

Again angelisation of Maidan, and demonization of eastern unrest, comparing two period of time where there is no comparison: demonstration at Maidan which successfully sacked the government without having to go into a military phase, and eastern unrest which failed to do so and continued the fight with the bearing of arms.

I admire your zeal and flowery declarations   :P

You know, if russia AT LEAST PRETENDED to act in the interests of Ukraine, or did not shat left and right on international agreements - it might be worth talking with on the level you expect/propose.

Which international agreements you speak of? Direct me to a pre-Maidan Russian shitting over anything related to Ukraine. Except if you consider out betting Europe over the economical pacts, shitting over international agreements.
Or do you again want to compare uncomparable periods of time?  :)

Quote from: Butan
Not much to say on 4., except on the "Western press, the proper, serious one - they doublecheck and report what they saw in a reasonably conservative manner, not what they read, imagined, created or simply were paid to report" which is a very nice but too crude  to be believed angelisation of a corrupted system which is the global medias of today.
I'm not angelising... There is so much sut and bullshit there, that one has to be an idiot to believe it wholeheartedly, but key is that if you have 3 or 5 conflicting reports about the same event - you CAN more or less figure out truth. Plus - I can find you BUNCH of retractions, apologies or even court sentences which are results of actions taken to remedy the mistakes of wester press (given, that we are not talking about fox news and similar shit), but find me ANYTHING like that for the bogus stories of RT, or LifeNews, or any other mainstream russian news outlet (removing a story does not count  :rolleyes: ).

Having non mainstream medias, which have a minor influence and impact on the people, doing reports which do not go everytime into the direction ===> RUSSIA = EVIL, does not equal to a proper, serious, cross-examined press.
The western reality is that we have been sucking at the tits of anti-russianism for ages, much before Ukraine broke, even before Georgia-Russia war, that we are all ready to accept that it is the simple truth. I can tell you this, I have been living in France all my life, and am old enough to know that.
Each time I see the face of Putin on my screen, its with subtle (sometimes not so subtles) comments/subtitles which all goes together with: tyrant, warmonger, dishounorable scum, kills innocents and support evil around the world!
(of course there is those who will think "Is this guy implying its not ABSOLUTE TRUTH? OMG! He is a madman!", I have never been seriously trying to discuss with this kind of people)

The few time I heard something different on a french media, its only in two very derisory scenarios:

- one is, we invite pro-Russian people to talk, but they are very unjustly and harsly interviewed, journalists around only pretend to listen to them but never debate anything and prefer to show their ethical superiority
- other one is, like I said previously, only weird/strange unknown medias will shed a positive light on Russia, mostly USSR lovers which are equally uninterested to debate seriously, and noone takes them seriously anyway so it has absolutely no impact on the public opinion

I am not proud of my press choices!...

I dont know Russia medias properly enough, I cant say if its the same down there, but in reverse (everyone says EUROPE = EVIL, few minor medias says something else), but I wouldnt be surprised at all its a comparable state of opinion balance.
The one thing I saw is that Russian medias are way more brunt and tactless about propaganda, thus its way easier to not accept it. Those who does are terribly fanatical supporters which will never bow down to reason.


Why the fuck do they drive in their shiney cars 500km for shopping  - I have no clue  :rolleyes:

Why not, you want a iron curtain between Europe and Russia to stop people from shopping? Go to Ukraine and start building then!  :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 03:18:00 pm by Butan »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7093 on: October 14, 2014, 03:50:02 pm »
Just a quick point Tovi. The reason most crap you read about isn't reported by the Real News is not part of a conspiracy. Its that news organizations require multiple confirmations of authenticity, and have rigorous fact-checking departments to investigate and pursue stories. Many driven journalists, putting their safety and lives on the line in pursuit of the truth and a desire to expose lies, crimes, or basic inhumanity, have toppled governments, started or ended wars, and changed tons of lives.

The random shit you post, is basically all going to be unverified trash with anonymous sources, or demonstrably controlled by government agencies. And places like Russia, Egypt, Iran, etc have pathetically harsh treatment of dissident journalists for the very fact that a free press is the only way to a free society.

Al-Jazeera seems to be a legitimate news outlet that many of us read internationally that isn't so Western-centric, even though it is of course ultimately owned by Qatar. How many articles do they have corroborating the RT version of foreign affairs, where every, single, thing, is the fault of America/CIA/whatever, and anyone geopolitically opposed to American interests are blameless victims in neverending plots of aggression? 

Like dude, reality is nuanced, over 6 billion people in the world and everyone has their own reasons and motivations for doing things, but in ur reality its like every single person are pawns in some CIA/Zionist conspiracy, and if 2 people have opposing views, one is a puppet of enemy propaganda, the other is 100 percent right in all ways.

Do you honestly think in a war like in Ukraine, there isn't just maybe the fact that "war is shit" and people end up doing terrible things for terrible reasons? Like, everyone will agree that shelling civilian-filled city centers or w/e by Ukraine is terrible. Yet there are people who would disagree with even the basic FACT that Russia gleefully provides equipment and training to the separatists, is in control of all peace negations on the "separatist" side, regularly lobs artillery over their border, so on and so forth, helping to perpetuate the circumstances that makes Ukraine decide that their best options are to shell enemy positions.

Like I can understand debating WHY Russia feels the need to defend its interests in Ukraine the way they are, and thinking they did the right thing in seizing Crimea, attempting to subjugate Ukraine, feeling hostile to NATO, etc. But when you deny basic facts that have countless, basically endless, cross and counter-checked sources of evidence, you aren't having a conversation or able to change anyone's minds about anything. You look like an ignorant fuckhead who believes the first thing someone tells them, for no reason, except your own prejudice.

Being from NJ and watching 9/11 happen IRL and the impact it had on everyone who lives in that area, I hold special annoyance at dirtbag conspiracy theorists, who trivialize reality at the expense of Young Adult Novel level storytelling of Good and Bad guys. Do you even think.. before you decide what to think? Its more like you just agree, instead of think. Its what drives ppl crazy about you or those like you. It is *~YOU~* who is really the blind sheepish fool, Tovi.

I believe what I see. And when I see a fascist or an islamist, I don't say it's a freedom fighter. You can believe your medias, wich have proven many times saying constantly bullshit. I will continue to trust my sources, wich are constantly right and much more serious than a journalist who can't even place a city on a map.
All I was able to read in this thread from pro-NATO are things like "Putin is devil, Putin is the new einstein blabla", exaqctly the same shit than in westerner newspapers. Not the begining of a real information. Because, obviously, you live in a dream, the US Dream, wich doesn't need any fact, but just a massive approbation of the majority.

And, of course Russia defends its interests in Ukraine. Why not ? The question is why EU/US and NATO tried to destabilize this country by funding dissents since years. And they do it in Russia too. The day you'll understand why the West is doing this, you'll understand why countries like Russia, China and Iran need to defend themselves, and why they will create a coalition against the US global hegemony.
I don't live in this world :
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« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 04:03:20 pm by Tovi »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #7094 on: October 14, 2014, 04:14:34 pm »
You watch one news "a little". Those same news, watched NOT a little 6 months (roughly) ago started calling Ukrainian government naztees, junta and made russian-news watching sheeple population of Crimea + eastern Ukraine (well, at least sufficient part of it) so afraid, that they were willing to accept russian ex-intelligence officers as their "freedom movement leaders". Or well, they in fact had not much choice, since those punks just grabbet all the weapons they could find and then were given some more by russians. So thats one "news" source you have.
And you dont;t watch western TV, just the select mistakes that your "little" watched news choose to share I guess.
Thusly - you choose to compare both medias and judge their reliability... riiiiiiiiiight. I rest my case here.

As to regions with local majority of big neighboring country ... lets call them "friends" suddenly voting for their independence is not taken seriously. The reasons basically sum up to NOT repeating mistakes, which were made in the wake of WW2.
It is hard to understand what really you wanted to say. Because so many unlogical statements.
Well, Russian media if you watched it (I think no) didn't call ukranian government as natzi, they showed people ukranian or russian who called that government natzi or junta. And they called Svoboda and right sector extreme radical, maybe sometimes natzi.
Why some people call government natzi, I think because they try to make Stepan Bandera a hero of the Ukraine. On 22 January 2010, the outgoing President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Bandera the posthumous title of Hero of Ukraine.[4] The award was condemned by European Parliament, Russian, Polish and Jewish organizations[5][6][7][8] and was declared illegal by the following Ukrainian government and a court decision in April 2010. In January 2011, the award was officially annulled. Now they try to make him a hero again. On this video we see that 217 from 231 deputies who voted in parliament agreed to make Bandera a hero. But it is not enough for quorum, need 226. but there a lot of people didn't appear to vote, just because they were pushed from parliament.
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Ask polish and belarus people who is this Bandera, if you don't know and watch about Khatyn massacre. Maybe because of that some people call them natzi, as I know western media keep silence about this.
After this today when this voting didn't pass because of quorum tadam:
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Svoboda and right sector and some others made this. Don't know if western TV will show it.
It's like to make Stalin a hero, but we all know that he was the same as H itler.