Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on that. Why do you think one has to distract oneself from nihilism or you go mad/commit suicide?
Well I'm a poor subsititute for Ligotti who does a good job of showing in his unique way of existential horror.
But if one accepts that life has no meaning and that nothing has any meaning, such as typing this message, raising a child, saving a life and so on, then none of those things serve any purpose to that person. Thus waking up and going to work is useless or anything people commonly think of as productive. This causes the person to then accept that nothing is worthwhile. If nothing is worthwhile, then why do anything? Why go to work and earn a paycheck or try to accomplish something that matters nothing at all?
This then turns into suicidal thoughts as the person understands that since nothing matters, not himself or anything or anyone, then why bother living? Its pointless and means nothing whether the person lives or dies.
Its basically the emotional outcome of a logical conclusion.
So most nihilists will accept that even if nothing means anything ultimately, they still value their family and children and doing well at work even though it means nothing once they die. Its really a fear of death that stops them.. what if I am right .. or what if I'm wrong? But most nihilists will put value on things and people so they don't commit suicide. The ones that don't put value on anything usually commit suicide since nothing has value therefore they cannot see the point of living thus suicide.
Like I said, an emotional outcome of a logical conclusion. Its a emotional decision based on the logical acceptance of a concept.
Just a quick edit.. nihilism isn't necessarily a logical conclusion that is correct. I'm not asserting that but simply saying that once someone accepts nihilism then certain other things occur when they accept that conclusions.