Absence of delusions is related to science as it's what the scientific method is in a nutshell.
Absence of delusions is related to a 'healthy'/'normal'/'average'/'mainstream'/'common sense' way of thinking/statements/behaviour.
By default it has nothing to do with atheism nore religion nore science.
It is sometimes used as a propaganda phrase i would say, though to discredit religous believers. But i give you that, having no delusions does majorly help any scientific results you intend to produce.
Both atheist as religous people can be deluded, but while science(not atheism) is processed with Theories('one' of the scientific methods, not the only one[also not an expert on that topic ^^]) to close in onto true knowledge(which is rare), religions at times claim to pocess the only truths which would matter. While theories maybe wrong and replaced with new once which then are better then the old once, religions ... had also been replaced with new once ... just look at how many had been there already and which gods are not anymore worshiped ^^. Are the new religions better then the old once? depends ... compare old and new testament and koran and talmud .. compare to babylonian, greek, agyptian old mythologies and religions etc. ... hinduism, buddism ... shamanism from several tribes still in existance.
There are many systems you can choose from with which you can explain the world. I wouldn't mind a new book, gathering the best ethics, principals, morals and rules once again(who will be the judge of what is best ^^). In the end it will be again upto each one of us to choose the things from it what we believe is right and what not.
When becomes a good story at the fire place from back 8000 years ago and more a rule in a book?
When becomes a nice imaginary tale, which may have been supposed to give us a foundation for good judgment or just hope in bad times, when does it become a believe system?
Anyone who thinks of the one true god and the one true religion, should ask himself what those who come after us will think about that line of thought, when there is a new book and a new believe system in place, sometime in the future. As if anything else can't taken for granted, that you can. There is still a process in place, which exchanges knowledge, social systems, religions and humans itself. It is based on time, death and change. Call it what you want but mostly it is called (r)
evolution(not only the biological one) and you cant believe it away. It maybe for some religious fanatics to be 'just a theory', but man then please find a better theory, which is more convincing or dont get into an argument with science, but adjust or vanish like all the other religions befor yours and if you vanish please do it with dignity and try not to blame the atheists or agnostics ... in short the heretics/none believers, don't get us into a new Inquisition which makes us all hate and/or fear you. Why can't you leave those alone who don't want to have anything to do with you religion, i don't need you, if i would, i would come and ask you, not the other way round.
Do you want a future, where 2 big religous believe system clash against each other in a final battle about the wholy truth? Fuck that shit, we have been there and done that and all sides included failed/lost bigtime. I 'll take a nap or get myself some popcorn and try to watch it from afar, but don't ring at my fucking door and ask for my support.
So again the conclusion for me is the same, state stay the fuck away from religion or you get us into a real mess. Religion adjust yourself to scientific over and over again proven knowledge or vanish as all those which came before you.
RIP George Carlin: Religion is bullshit
while George Carlin denies the existance of god, which makes him an atheist, i just dont know and dont care :rolleyes:
My point is that you're all being intellectually lazy, everyone knows in fact that science is a man made measure of things, it is not a reality, ...
insult(intellectually lazy) + wrong conclusion.
Reality for you maybe different as to anyone else. So it is not what everybody knows as in average, but as everybody may concieve very differently. There is surly a consense within we find each other and exchange information, that doesnt but make my experience of reality the same as yours, therefor not the same realities. Therfor science is neither nor not a reality, but a reality someone may have chosen for himself.
Or as i formulated a while above, another system to explain the world we live in with.
I just cherry pick from several systems, which then makes my worldview, my reality, my own little universe.
...It is not necessary for everyone to have a deep understanding of religion, or the tao for that matter, but that people live happily and that LEADERS have a deep understanding of philosophy and religion, ...
slightly contratidicting with the being intellectually lazy accusation of ours through you.
Still something after all i can aprove of.
Muhammad when i now include your very first post onto the topic, which didnt add any value to the conversation from my point of view ... at all. Then i come to believe i shouldn't even have been answering here to you as that also doesnt add to the topic.
Fuck me forum whoring.
EDIT: just saw your last post, which was so much better and not insulting at all.
Btw zen / tao, i never got so much into, i do meditate and use several different meditation technics. The void is a good thing, for Musachi as he lived by the sword, it was the focus needed to survive encounters for us nowadays, the focus to separate from all the informational overkill those data which would enrich our lives from the garbage.Not really. There are many religious scientists.
Which must not be a contradiction depending on perspective. They may be just be checking authenticities and origns of old scriptures, not trying to proove 'other' scientists wrong. Even if the later, it would be ok, the trying part and if possible also the proving part. What i don't like so much is when they would try to do it though repetition and propaganda, not through scientific method and tools mentioned earlier by Kafein.
while i dream from a time where it would be possible to ignor religion(s)(mostly the apparatus, the organizational cosntruct), i don't think in the current tiems it would be wise to do so. We need to watch them carefully, the tides may turn in ways we still not know how they will affect us. But ignoring them so they can vanish and die off, aint a bad dream.