higher wpf would give you a bit more dmg(dunno what armour you wear), but with 7PS you should hit quite hard...
There is a solution - get weapon with higher dmg
btw there needs to be done something with these rondel+shield trolls without armour, they can even kill cav... I don't know the builds maybe they have too high shield skill, because of their insane agi, so they are so well protected that often stand unitl almost the end of the round?
Somehow limit the shield skill of agiwhores - smth about STR and shield requirement? For shield with difficulty 3, you need 3 shield skill AND 9 STR too? It doesn't seem odd, you need some muscles to take hits on it and still hold it...
And/or make nudges/shieldbashing/bumps much more powerfull against low str(and maybe also IF) chars, so they are stunned longer, and make nudges of very low STR chars very weak?
Realistically speaking, I don't think that would have been quite as appealing to shielders before the patch, but now, as a shielder, and really thinking about how it would affect me, I think it's not that bad of an idea. Just needs some fine tuning. It will affect some people negatively, but in general, I don't think this would hurt the average shielder by much, and if it did, buff shielder. (actually, I'd be more happy with a new 1h sword: rapier)
This wouldn't necessarily get rid of Huscarl with Rondel Dagger players, but they wouldn't be quite as spammy, and they wouldn't have invincible shields anymore. No one would! The only real issue to me is that you have to wait that much longer to use a decent shield (i.e. a shield that doesn't break in one or two hits). But since this level can be reached in a few hours, it isn't that bad of an issue. This would, however, force higher end shield users to have a more balanced character. Steel shield would have to have an 18/18 build, Huscarl would have 15/21 or 21/15 build (mine). But considering that there are only 4 level 5 shields, and only 1 level 6 shield, it still leaves a lot to play around with for the build.