
Please specify how item classes should be changed: (v0.223)

Buff horses
192 (7%)
Buff armor
162 (5.9%)
Buff one handed weapons
195 (7.1%)
Buff two handed weapons
140 (5.1%)
Buff polearms
98 (3.6%)
Buff shield
120 (4.4%)
Buff thrown
264 (9.6%)
Buff bow
151 (5.5%)
Buff crossbow
85 (3.1%)
Nerf horses
144 (5.2%)
Nerf armor
80 (2.9%)
Nerf one handed weapons
79 (2.9%)
Nerf two handed weapons
180 (6.5%)
Nerf polearms
209 (7.6%)
Nerf shield
117 (4.2%)
Nerf thrown
89 (3.2%)
Nerf bow
153 (5.5%)
Nerf crossbow
174 (6.3%)
Leave everything as is. (overrides all other options)
125 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 973

Voting closed: May 31, 2011, 02:13:07 pm

Author Topic: Official Survey about item power  (Read 76557 times)

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Offline Wildling

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #150 on: May 16, 2011, 05:31:27 am »
Well said for someone who wants to lay waste to all before him. Why must you think of not the single cavalryman, but the cavalry as a whole?

Why do you think of yourself as the lone warrior? If infantry were in a group, they would be much safer from cavalry.

If a two-hander is swinging at you, hold up your shield, and let your teammate bash in his skull! It does not matter if you get the kill, only that you win, for the multiplier.

If an archer is shooting at you, and you have no shield, hide behind someone who does! Or ask a horseman to assist you while you distract the archer.

Cavalry can only bump into one or two people before being stopped, even without a pike.

When 10 archers get together, and focus their fire, Cavalry gets decimated. 10 two handers will tear through almost any defense. 10 crossbowmen will reduce armored men to scrap. 10 spearmen will keep anyone at bay, 10 1h swordsmen will swarm any foe.

Why must you think of only cavalry when they act as a group? Cavalry act together because you learn very early on, that a lone cav at the start of the battle is mincemeat. It is time for everyone else to learn this lesson, and act together if they want to win a battle.

You talk about cav ignoring the full picture, but it is Kesh who ignores it, and would be happy to see cavalry gone from the game, or limited to only 3 per team.

Cavalry is heavily dependent upon the map terrain and composition of the enemy force. In addition, a cavalryman is also heavily dependent upon his horse, a great expense. Cav is forced to spend less on armor and secondary weapons as he must spend all of it on his horse, maybe a shield, and lance, if he equips himself fully, he will quickly run out of money. If the horseman loses his horse he is usually swarmed and beaten to death, and if not, he may find himself inadequately equipped to fight on foot for someone at his level.

As cavalry becomes more popular, both teams will have similar numbers of cavalry, thus balancing it out. Having many of one type working together on a team will always defeat an opposing team without the correct counter or teamwork. This is also why many people are upset with the "banner balance" mechanic.

You might say "You can't balance this game depending upon people to work together!" but that is stupid, what about Strategus? Are there going to be two sets of rules for balance?


Also: What's up with shielders these days? I see few and few. It's basically archers and 2handers or polearms running around swining their apparently heavy weapons like they were lightsabres with feather hilts. They dominate.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #151 on: May 16, 2011, 06:55:13 am »
Pretty obvious you play on siege servers.  Battle servers are nothing but shields pikes and cav.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #152 on: May 16, 2011, 12:52:13 pm »

Also: What's up with shielders these days? I see few and few. It's basically archers and 2handers or polearms running around swining their apparently heavy weapons like they were lightsabres with feather hilts. They dominate.

lol dude, did you play on battle? 70% of the players are shielders...(with that JOKE OP pick)
I was the first one who started -1-ing everyone, now everyone does it to everyone.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #153 on: May 16, 2011, 02:49:19 pm »
Let me fix this for you, (slashed the things that are total bullshit, and put my comments in italics), I also added a few things.

If you can't tell, I voted to "nerf" 2h weapons, though I wouldn't call what I want a nerf. What I want is an animation fix.

man.. you really have a weird view of the world.

This one is just laughable, they have 2 of the 3 block crushing weapons in the game, and you say "only"?
<--- oh sure. give onehanders blockcrushing capabilites. i'm sure they'll like it when with the other arm they hold a shield. oh and archery don't have blockcrushing arrows. what a shame... why a great maul should blockcrush and a little wooden arrow can't? oh and give cavalry blockcrushing weapons too! oh wait.. couching isn't blockable. fair to me.

2h weapons can stop a horse about as good as polearms
you play in singleplayer? because in multiplayer, a not mentally retarded horseman, will not get stabbed by a 120 length sword. guess why cavalry run away from pikes and not from twohanders. i really want to know how your somehow faulty brain work.

As it should be, try immitating the animation and see how awkward it is. you're also neglecting the fact that the new 2h thrust animation is almost instant.
old animation wasn't good. the new one either.. why don't you fire up your favorite 3d animation software and show us a good one?

I'd consider any weapon with 40+ damage to be a shield breaker.

proof that you're a noob. MW claymore 46 cut, 7PS, 20+ hits for a reinforced steel shield. great axe UNBALANCED 10+ hits. german poleaxe not UNBALANCED 10+ hits.

26 is still better than a lot of polearms and 1h weapons, again, they shouldn't be the best thrusting weapon.

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Animations that allow long weapons to be effective while face hugging (polearms also have this problem). Really? why should a 5 foot long sword be a better close range weapon than a 1h mace

i never saw a 1h mace bounce at facehug range. maces and picks are made for that. you should really smoke better stuff.
one of the few strong points of 2h. guess why... a sword have a blade with a cutting edge from the tip to the grip. a poleaxe don't. weird isn't it?

to preserve crpg balance, we should have the ability to give some advantages to these "special" players. we can give em +50% damage boost on their weapons... so they'll stop flooding the forums with tears.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #154 on: May 16, 2011, 03:13:05 pm »
IMO shields need a little nerf. It's funny how a 30mm*30mm shield can automatically stop 99% of arrows.
On the other hand, buff steel shields to make them invulnerable to arrows.

I also think archers need some love: add big quivers with 30/40 arrows each (according to type). They will use only one slot, but they will will require a high weapon master skill value (5-6). Actually full archers pg can't neither have a sword, while melee pg can carry up to 3 shields and still have a good weapon.

Remove construction sites from the game and set them as part of the maps. Replace them with carpenter's tools: pg with carpentier's tools will be able to use standard construction sites on the map to build siege weapons and tents.

And plz, try to rework catapults: i suggest you to give towers and walls some (a lot of) HP: when hp reach 0, walls will breach and towers will become not usable.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #155 on: May 16, 2011, 03:56:25 pm »
Did initially say throwing, but changed when i noticed how ineffective armour has been lately. Fights happen all to quickly, im not just complaining about me dying to easily but also the enemy. its 1 - 2 hits most of the time
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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #156 on: May 16, 2011, 04:25:06 pm »
Buff the Flamberge!!!

Offline Imloxion

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #157 on: May 16, 2011, 04:49:50 pm »
The problems I encountered as a thrower:
Slot system is brutal,highier tier throwing weapons need 2 slots.
Ammo reduction.
Wpf requiment per power throw point which is about 14.2 destroys all hybrids that want to use high tier weapons.

Thats why i voted op throwing.
(Thx for the great-badass-fabulus-excellent-nice-godlike-present mod :mrgreen:)

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #158 on: May 16, 2011, 04:56:24 pm »
IMO shields need a little nerf. It's funny how a 30mm*30mm shield can automatically stop 99% of arrows.
On the other hand, buff steel shields to make them invulnerable to arrows.

I also think archers need some love: add big quivers with 30/40 arrows each (according to type). They will use only one slot, but they will will require a high weapon master skill value (5-6). Actually full archers pg can't neither have a sword, while melee pg can carry up to 3 shields and still have a good weapon.

Are you crazy? Nerf shield? Their "force field" got so nerfed that with my kyte shield (req of 3) I need to perfectly look straight at the archer and he can still hit my feet! If your an archer an cry to shielders, guess what, it's ur counter. If you can't shoot his feet, it's cuz he pumped a good amount of points into his shield skill, (or that you suck at archery?) accept that you can't defeat a shielder as an archer, again it's ur counter!.

Also, archers (I have an alt archer) are perfectly fine right now with the quiver sizes. Why do you think they have put the slot requirement? It's to be sure archers would not be able to shoot tons of arrows on top of having a melee weapon and a warbow/longbow. If you want more arrows, do not carry a melee weapon.  Also, if a melee guy tries to carry 3 shield, he will be slow as fuck! As soon as you have 2 shields, you get a huge penalty at ur athletics. So you can't compare guys with 3 shields with archers with 3 quivers... it's really not the same thing. Man I'm tired of ppl crying to nerf their counter class.

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #159 on: May 16, 2011, 05:13:40 pm »
Buff agility, the benefits that agility points give you arent as good as strength benefits. The amount of high str builds running around now is ridiculous, strength is the way to go, agi should be buffed or str should be nerfed to allow a greater variety of effective builds.

The balance between weapon classes is great nowadays, so I voted for keep everything as it is.

Lulz, and why are 15/24 polearm/2h spamming builds running rampant then ? *sees ninja clan sig* Ha ok nvm...

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #160 on: May 16, 2011, 06:56:33 pm »
IMO spears need a buff, theres, well no reason at all to use them... atleast give them a buff so they pierce more than poleaxe >_>

2h seem fine right now, they do good fast swing damage in closequarters.

only thing that needs a nerf is poleaxes that swing waaay too fast!
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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #161 on: May 16, 2011, 07:37:56 pm »
Are you crazy? Nerf shield? Their "force field" got so nerfed that with my kyte shield (req of 3) I need to perfectly look straight at the archer and he can still hit my feet! If your an archer an cry to shielders, guess what, it's ur counter. If you can't shoot his feet, it's cuz he pumped a good amount of points into his shield skill, (or that you suck at archery?) accept that you can't defeat a shielder as an archer, again it's ur counter!.

Also, archers (I have an alt archer) are perfectly fine right now with the quiver sizes. Why do you think they have put the slot requirement? It's to be sure archers would not be able to shoot tons of arrows on top of having a melee weapon and a warbow/longbow. If you want more arrows, do not carry a melee weapon.  Also, if a melee guy tries to carry 3 shield, he will be slow as fuck! As soon as you have 2 shields, you get a huge penalty at ur athletics. So you can't compare guys with 3 shields with archers with 3 quivers... it's really not the same thing. Man I'm tired of ppl crying to nerf their counter class.

As an archer, i need to second this. It's already possible to hit a shielder from the right side, the back, the left side. Let them at least survive from the front (if they have big shield, else, shoot for the feet  :twisted: ).
I don't think shielders need a nerf. Maybe the pick needs one though. I picked a deadly steel pick once (thanks kinngrimm^^) and it's fantastic.
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #162 on: May 16, 2011, 08:19:47 pm »
Lulz, and why are 15/24 polearm/2h spamming builds running rampant then ? *sees ninja clan sig* Ha ok nvm...


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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #163 on: May 16, 2011, 08:28:07 pm »
Are you crazy? Nerf shield? Their "force field" got so nerfed that with my kyte shield (req of 3) I need to perfectly look straight at the archer and he can still hit my feet! If your an archer an cry to shielders, guess what, it's ur counter. If you can't shoot his feet, it's cuz he pumped a good amount of points into his shield skill, (or that you suck at archery?) accept that you can't defeat a shielder as an archer, again it's ur counter!.

Also, archers (I have an alt archer) are perfectly fine right now with the quiver sizes. Why do you think they have put the slot requirement? It's to be sure archers would not be able to shoot tons of arrows on top of having a melee weapon and a warbow/longbow. If you want more arrows, do not carry a melee weapon.  Also, if a melee guy tries to carry 3 shield, he will be slow as fuck! As soon as you have 2 shields, you get a huge penalty at ur athletics. So you can't compare guys with 3 shields with archers with 3 quivers... it's really not the same thing. Man I'm tired of ppl crying to nerf their counter class.

Ya wtf, shields have already been nerfed!!!
Just a soldier

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Re: Official Survey about item power
« Reply #164 on: May 16, 2011, 08:49:22 pm »
Are you crazy? Nerf shield? Their "force field" got so nerfed that with my kyte shield (req of 3) I need to perfectly look straight at the archer and he can still hit my feet! If your an archer an cry to shielders, guess what, it's ur counter. If you can't shoot his feet, it's cuz he pumped a good amount of points into his shield skill, (or that you suck at archery?) accept that you can't defeat a shielder as an archer, again it's ur counter!.

Also, archers (I have an alt archer) are perfectly fine right now with the quiver sizes. Why do you think they have put the slot requirement? It's to be sure archers would not be able to shoot tons of arrows on top of having a melee weapon and a warbow/longbow. If you want more arrows, do not carry a melee weapon.  Also, if a melee guy tries to carry 3 shield, he will be slow as fuck! As soon as you have 2 shields, you get a huge penalty at ur athletics. So you can't compare guys with 3 shields with archers with 3 quivers... it's really not the same thing. Man I'm tired of ppl crying to nerf their counter class.
