Get rid of 1 slot 2h or add more...
you don't have to read anything after that, that is the only thing I wanted to get across.
The archer weapon (langes messer) is running rampant , and it's a forced style of play on most 2h archers who don't want to negatively effect their archery skills whilst still using a 2h.
Either make more bastard weapons 1 slot or remove all 1 slot 2h, its not balanced and it doesn't make any sense to my reptilian brain xD
Do it for my character, Bow Samurai, who now runs around with 2 bags of bodkins, a strong bow, and a 2h.. a Langes Messer.. The most samurai weapon ever. Force his lazy ass to use a wakizashi, or give him more choices for 1 slot 2h.. Coz right now, there is no way I'd sacrifice a bag of arrows to use a katana over the langes messer.. xD & to top it all off, the langes messer IMO is a better weapon stats wise, you have an actual stab that hurts, more cut dmg than a bastard sword about the same length as a katana & just about the same speed as well.
Think about it this way, Bow Samurai would rather use a langes messer over a wakizashi simply because there is no negatives that could come from that choice, infact, only positives.
Totally unrelated, make the wakizashi 0 slots, maybe cost a little more, I want to be able to wear my 3 swords again. :C I miss it.
& maybe 0 slot wakizashi would be a choice over 1 slot 2h the langes messer.
Just my 2 cents, but this slot system is screwy and not doing it's job really other than stopping ladder spam on siege..
Only thing I think is a good idea about the slots thing is having to drop unsheathable weapons on the ground to switch weapons & 3 slots on a siege ladder to stop epic ladder spam wins on the Siege server, mostly though if you want to beat the slot system and still use a 2h.. Use a langes messer xD Longbow(2), Bodkins(1), Langes Messer (1) or Arbalest(2), steel bolts (1), langes messer (1)
in conclusion, either more 1 slot 2h, or none at all please.
Atm the only 2hwep I see most 2h archers/xbow using is the langes messer, and it's kinda obvious why.
just my opinion, but 2h archers now have a forced style of play if they don't want to sacrifice arrows for no real benefit... Katana(2) warbow (2) .... or Warbow (2) Bodkin (1) Langes Messer (1)
/end wall of text about nothing