Author Topic: Jeirbe Castle  (Read 4988 times)

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2013, 10:48:53 am »
This is the last thing i am going to say in this thread, but chris you have gone full retard sorry, you splurge out all these criticisms of the mercs and have not thought twice about the whole scenario.

We may be sitting in our fiefs, but do you not remember the time of when the greys did this? but stop pointing fingers at us ruining strategus when the greys went inactive on the map and did nothing for a while, we may not have wiped them because i don't think we were persistent enough, but thats our own fault.

Have the Mercs not made strategus more interesting for everyone? this obviously was not our intentions as a clan but has it not changed from the usual East Vs. West bashing to internal feuds and have actually shown that small factions can play a huge part in Strategus?

All of the Eastern block is inactive, so why do you not hate the Fallen, Templars, SB etc.? This then becomes a problem when rosters are being done and you are finding it hard to fill your roster with 1 million xp battles, it means we have to fill our rosters with people like Chris, NA's and Chinese. And i think you are being damn right ungrateful chris because i know a lot times we have accepted you into our battles over higher levelled and better players than you.

But all i can say is to congratulate the Wolves and Greys on a good round of strategus and that even though i have always hated strat, there were quite a few fun battles. A wish good luck to the now newly formed independent states of Alburqia and the Saxons, this is what happens when an Empire falls.

Anyways GL and GG

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2013, 11:22:38 am »
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the Wolves has payed your debt to the Apostates

The bloody work is finished

May your soul finally rest in peace

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- Blessed be the Wolves, our brotherhood,
Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle;
My strength and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer;
My shield and My brother in arms in whom I trust,
I lay my life in the hands of my clan,
and give my life to protect its members
Our clan is not its leaders - our clan is the members whom without,
we would be nothing
brothers, I salut thee

Wolves bloody wolves,

The way you have managed to conquer the north is impressive, and the finale last night was superb. When I left the clan Odyssues, you told me you lack the leaderskills needed to take over leadership and that people wouldnt listen to you, look at what you and the clan has done since then. I know you have had help from alot of guys in the clan, and Larvae, Winterfell, Azzmodan and Switch deserves credit and probably alot more guys that I dont know.

Odysseus, you have the abilities to lead - definately - you kept pushing the clan and never slowed down.

Switch, I didnt have time to get to know you before I left the clan, but I am very glad you joined the Wolves after hearing how the battle last night was lead. Hats of to you!

All the clans that supported the Wolves in the clans darkest hour when the future was uncertain and Kinngrimm left - hats of to you guys aswell - Kapikulu, Cotgs, Baldes, OdE. Without your help, the situation on the map would have been completely different, the Kapis helping out when there was no chance of success, the others for aiding in the campaign against the northern Apostates territory.

Without the rostersupport during that time, given by the Greys and DRZ and allies, the Wolves wouldnt have gotten far - the clan did awake as you said Chris, and stayed true and strong to the banner and has now, together with friends and allies, managed to defeat the Apostates (and yes Latvian, we all know you dont care and that you have real lives).

Not long ago the great eastern clans were talking about forcing the Wolves to leave their home in the snowlands, relocating them to some remote place on the map or just wiping them - people were asking what the mercs would do with the fiefs they would take from the Wolves when they finished wiping them. Nocti was explaining how Wolves would stand no chance in a war with the Apostates, and that Wolves knew little or nothing about planning an offensive campaign. Without Kinngrimm the Wolves would be teethless pups.

Stay hungry, Wolves and never bow down to no clan


« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 11:28:52 am by GRANDMOM »
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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2013, 11:39:47 am »

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Why the mighty empire of the Apostates fell into pain and agony?

Mercs fed the wrong Wolf....... :twisted:

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2013, 11:43:40 am »
Good job Wolves. Of course it wouldn't work against Coalition or at least better prepared defense, but still very impressive result. Though my side lose and lose terribly, I'm glad that we have another good big faction on the map in addition to Greys, Drz and Coalition and I hope that when(if) there will be no eastern block you won't end up with "Why should we fight our friends" as some other factions did before.

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2013, 11:53:07 am »
I missed all the battles QQ
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Flame I am - that much I know!

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2013, 11:56:20 am »

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2013, 12:15:16 pm »
To be honest I am quite confused why we died them fairly easily. Their roster looks quite okay, guess the mass ranged finally bit them in the ass. The castle is quite easy to attack, those wooden overhangs on the wall always offer a quite easy entrypoint for ladders and siege towers compared to normal stone battlements. Which means we got entry quite easily and the high number of archers weren't as effective anymore.   

The attack was decently done, but hardly perfect, could've gone wrong very easily. There wasn't even enough equipment for the entire battle and we left them the gatehouse as a last stronghold, which should have been taken much earlier when defenders were still spread to prevent the risk of a deadlock. It was the only spot that allowed them to survive that long. If Apostates would've had a slightly better or larger melee core, (or Bobby with a defensive catapult) the bragging would be going the other way right now. Our gear was hardly great the last 40 minutes.

In any case I am glad there is a way to quickly take high garrison castles, I highly recommend though that the next faction who tries it at least gets enough equipment for the entire 2,5 hours, in case things don't go so smoothly and the castle is harder to attack.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 12:58:37 pm by Teeth »

Offline Chris_the_Animal

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2013, 12:18:37 pm »
We may be sitting in our fiefs, but do you not remember the time of when the greys did this? but stop pointing fingers at us ruining strategus when the greys went inactive on the map and did nothing for a while, we may not have wiped them because i don't think we were persistent enough, but thats our own fault.
There is a small difference...Greys managed to hold their fiefs, because they had active players who have gone to the battle places, recruited and helped out. They were able to just wait the situation out, because they had enough players to handle their land. Thats what you didnt have and you knew it since 2 month before Greys attacked you (at least that is what I have heart at least 20 times when I asked about the bad defence: "It was obviously this will happen") and I am asking myself, why didnt you say something? You had enough time to let your allies know, you are not able to defend your lands and you need to give some of them away, but you didnt and nobody was able to help you. When your allies found out it was to late and the help came to late.

All of the Eastern block is inactive, so why do you not hate the Fallen, Templars, SB etc.? This then becomes a problem when rosters are being done and you are finding it hard to fill your roster with 1 million xp battles, it means we have to fill our rosters with people like Chris, NA's and Chinese. And i think you are being damn right ungrateful chris because i know a lot times we have accepted you into our battles over higher levelled and better players than you.
The Templars are dead since Alpha is gone. Everyone knew they would not survive without the master planer. Sadly to SB happened the same, but SB never showed off and told everyone they are the best...

So you want to tell me I am a bad Strategus Battle applicant? I am not that sure, but I am pretty sure I am the guy who destroyed so many enemy siege stuff that he could even mess with kinngrimm! I remember a battle where I decided to apply against you because you took me off 10 minutes before the battle because some Merc guy turned up. I was lvl 30 or 31 and you rejected me. Enemy side was happy to accept me and I remember 3 or 4 forward spawns on that hill I managed to destroy with Gurays help. You guys were pretty angry, but it was your own fault.
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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2013, 12:19:47 pm »
Which means we got entry quite easily and the high number of archers weren't as effective anymore.

The problem is that we have run out of ladders and ranged weapons 30 minutes after battle starts. So high number of archers weren't effective for other reason - they didn't have bows anymore  :D
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 12:23:23 pm by serr »

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2013, 12:27:46 pm »
To be honest I am quite confused why we died fairly easily. Their roster looks quite okay, guess the mass ranged finally bit them in the ass. The castle is quite easy to attack, those wooden overhangs on the wall always offer a quite easy entrypoint for ladders and siege towers compared to normal stone battlements. Which means we got entry quite easily and the high number of archers weren't as effective anymore.   

The attack was decently done, but hardly perfect, could've gone wrong very easily. There wasn't even enough equipment for the entire battle and we left them the gatehouse as a last stronghold, which should have been taken much earlier when defenders were still spread to prevent the risk of a deadlock. It was the only spot that allowed them to survive that long. If Apostates would've had a slightly better or larger melee core, (or Bobby with a defensive catapult) the bragging would be going the other way right now. Our gear was hardly great the last 40 minutes.

In any case I am glad there is a way to quickly take high garrison castles, I highly recommend though that the next faction who tries it at least gets enough equipment for the entire 2,5 hours, in case things don't go so smoothly and the castle is harder to attack.

A risk had to be taken with this attack. The risk of throwing away 5800 men, nobody is gonna gear 5.8k troops mate, had this been a harder to take castle then losing the extra 2.5-3k tickets would have stung less by not having equipped them since they'd never see combat if we were stuck outside the walls.
There is no reason for you or anyone else to belittle the achievement that was rendered last night, their roster was fine, ours was fine, they ran out of bows, and I made it so that we'd have decent gear towards the end of the fight, the gear we used hardly mattered anyway. btw, I only had gear for 2800 or so troops :p if they had killed that many, we'd have been charging naked for the rest of the sacrificial tickets.

In any case Grunwalder castle is close to your territories with a 9k garrison, show me how you would handle this :)
You only have to attack with a little over 3k troops, put full plate on the whole lot and let us have some fun :)
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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2013, 12:49:07 pm »
More than 50% of deaths due to inactivity and retardness??? Not even close - more like 90%.

About 10% due to inactivity (only once utterly knackered anyway) and 80% due to retardedness - thanks Haboe no-one could wish for a better enemy to have.

Also I dont think the coalition once again proving worthless as an ally helped the mercs, always some excuse why they cant help their allies as with the Wolves when we were attacked. The coalition are like the big bloke in the pub who mouths off about how if anyone starts a fight or touches his mates he'll do them but when a fight starts they are always in the toilet with a bad tummy.

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2013, 01:15:38 pm »
The problem is that we have run out of ladders and ranged weapons 30 minutes after battle starts. So high number of archers weren't effective for other reason - they didn't have bows anymore  :D
problem is that owner of fief has life and can not follow his fief 24 7
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it doesnt matter if you are happiest person or an unfortunate weeper, a powerfull beast or a terrifying creature. we are all equal, in the eyes of the reaper.

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2013, 01:20:01 pm »
Also I dont think the coalition once again proving worthless as an ally helped the mercs, always some excuse why they cant help their allies as with the Wolves when we were attacked. The coalition are like the big bloke in the pub who mouths off about how if anyone starts a fight or touches his mates he'll do them but when a fight starts they are always in the toilet with a bad tummy.
6k of Grunwalder Castle garnison is from Coalition afail, also 4k in Dhirim area from coaliton. When Wolves attacked in North Coalition sent 6 k shinys to north, kapikulus intervented them half way. coalition made 2:1 KD against Kapis and crushed almost 12k troops of the kapikulus.

I think they helped alot.

problem is that owner of fief has life and can not follow his fief 24 7
Then give the fief to someone who can. I am repeating myself.
Bros never die!

Offline Segd

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2013, 01:48:32 pm »
problem is that owner of fief has life and can not follow his fief 24 7
General Statistics - Latvian
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Total Time needed to upgrade & buy enough ladders & ranged in the castle:
1 minute

6k of Grunwalder Castle garnison is from Coalition afail, also 4k in Dhirim area from coaliton. When Wolves attacked in North Coalition sent 6 k shinys to north, kapikulus intervented them half way. coalition made 2:1 KD against Kapis and crushed almost 12k troops of the kapikulus.

I think they helped alot.
Population: 3000
Owner: Franke_HRE
Army: 28128

Coalition could reinforce their allies so badly that Mercs & CA will be alive forever. They could even go offensive for а change. Not mentioning that they had a power to wipe DRZ from the map entirely half of a year ago. But we still in the desert...

But now they will be just sitting on their asses, while we will be taking fief by fief until bannerlord or chadz thing comes out. Ain't saying that this is a bad strategy though. Defending is funnier & more xp-rewaring :)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 01:56:06 pm by Segd »

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Re: Jeirbe Castle
« Reply #44 on: September 29, 2013, 01:51:47 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 09:59:07 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »