the Wolves has payed your debt to the Apostates
The bloody work is finished
May your soul finally rest in peace
- Blessed be the Wolves, our brotherhood,
Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle;
My strength and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer;
My shield and My brother in arms in whom I trust,
I lay my life in the hands of my clan,
and give my life to protect its members
Our clan is not its leaders - our clan is the members whom without,
we would be nothing
brothers, I salut thee
Wolves bloody wolves,
The way you have managed to conquer the north is impressive, and the finale last night was superb. When I left the clan Odyssues, you told me you lack the leaderskills needed to take over leadership and that people wouldnt listen to you, look at what you and the clan has done since then. I know you have had help from alot of guys in the clan, and Larvae, Winterfell, Azzmodan and Switch deserves credit and probably alot more guys that I dont know.
Odysseus, you have the abilities to lead - definately - you kept pushing the clan and never slowed down.
Switch, I didnt have time to get to know you before I left the clan, but I am very glad you joined the Wolves after hearing how the battle last night was lead. Hats of to you!
All the clans that supported the Wolves in the clans darkest hour when the future was uncertain and Kinngrimm left - hats of to you guys aswell - Kapikulu, Cotgs, Baldes, OdE. Without your help, the situation on the map would have been completely different, the Kapis helping out when there was no chance of success, the others for aiding in the campaign against the northern Apostates territory.
Without the rostersupport during that time, given by the Greys and DRZ and allies, the Wolves wouldnt have gotten far - the clan did awake as you said Chris, and stayed true and strong to the banner and has now, together with friends and allies, managed to defeat the Apostates (and yes Latvian, we all know you dont care and that you have real lives).
Not long ago the great eastern clans were talking about forcing the Wolves to leave their home in the snowlands, relocating them to some remote place on the map or just wiping them - people were asking what the mercs would do with the fiefs they would take from the Wolves when they finished wiping them. Nocti was explaining how Wolves would stand no chance in a war with the Apostates, and that Wolves knew little or nothing about planning an offensive campaign. Without Kinngrimm the Wolves would be teethless pups.
Stay hungry, Wolves and never bow down to no clan