I would not hesitate to argue that the EU community has a higher maturity level than NA to be honest.
I don't think the EU community understands what NA has to deal with in terms of generalized trolling from LLJK.
We'll send 25 of them over to your servers for 5 months and see how you react after being patient, tolerant, and overall "too nice" to a bunch of trolls who make it their goal to feed of the QQ of those who come on to enjoy this mod.
The mass-banning was an unfortunate, but completely understandable reaction to the Bullshit that Peppovitch, Devilize and the Hospitalers had to deal with on their server. Their antics are hardly forgotten and they tend to accumulate.
LLJK was gone from our servers for 2 or 3 months and everything was fine. People were having a great time. Then LLJK comes along after the patch and it takes them one week to make the most patient administrator crack.
Nuffen, no offense, but you really have no idea what we have endured with this crew. A few of them are cool, including Gaga, but he himself admits that he can't control his own guys - and if he told them to stop, they would just continue and do it worse... So again, don't come tell us what's wrong or not with mass-banning when you don't actually have to deal with it yourself. There was a talk between the leaders of both parties afterwards, organized by Ecko, and the issue was dealt with. But a message had to be sent, and it was. Most of these LLJK I am sure will be getting unbanned individually. That's up to Devilize to decide and he's already gone forth to say that ban appeals will be reviewed. In the meantime, Bordertown was opened for LLJK members to play on without annoying the rest of the community. It is under supervision and should have been used by EU Admins as an experimental platform to judge how Gaga and his admin team would handle their servers if ever given the right to connect them to the database.
It's a shame it has to come down to this, but I think Ecko's poll demonstrates that overall the diversified (multiple admins from multiple clans and independent players) Admin team we have for the NA servers is doing a good job. Exploiting has never been permitted on these servers. Cheaters have been caught and dealt with. Racism is not tolerated. Regular players can come enjoy the game.
So please let us deal with our affairs, as the silent majority of folks who support this NA part of CRPG overshadows any whiners that speak loader than they do. In the end, everybody gets a second chance (sometimes a lot more) so there's really nothing that should push EU administrators to unwarrantably disconnect servers from the database - especially not from an experienced team that has worked hard to keep everything in line and contribute to the community. In that department we can also thank Airith/Solonar for his great maintenance of the NA servers and the Scenery part of CRPG which he has been made admin of.
Thank you