Just because you point out my argument-by-assertion logical fallacies doesn't mean what you say is true.
So indeed, a better analogy would be:
X: "There is an invisible pink dragon in my garage."
K: "There is no invisible pink dragon in your garage."
X: "There is an invisible pink dragon in my garage."
you think this is about being right? dude, I don't need to have an argument, with you of all people, to feel better about myself. if that were the case I wouldn't even try and explain my position in all reasonable detail. I could just as well say you're 'wrong' and what you say is 'false' and avoid any more thinking. but damn, I'm weird that way.
Alright. Random guy pushes you. You punch him, knocking him out, and then walk away.
I never said precise bombing of targets in Syria was supposed to solve any problems.
Of course the Syrian forces and allied ones are allowed to defend their country.
three fucking lines.
so you basically never said something about the bombing, voiced no opinion. and when asked you can't even form some more sentences than that ^ but you come here to throw shit at people who don't support an aggressive war, or think differently about gun posession, and whatnot. you come here and fart and "then walk away". and I try to understand why your fart is pink and not green.
congratz, I very much hope you feel good about yourself, you asshat.
you're a troll, maybe not intentionally, but I don't care.
hm, now that I think about it, I'd say Zlisch is a better troll AND is better at arguing at the same time.