I never claimed there aren't different "levels" of hypocracy in different people, I merely somewhatishly stated that Kafeins statement wasn't really stating much as everyone are hypocrites to some degree, Kafein even included "to some degree" in his initial statement which makes it even sillier.
Also, until someone I trust to actually know it tells me what life's "main objective" is I'm not gonna go ahead and label someone evil and someone good for reasons that may or may not mean anything, and besides that, I believe the vast majority of people will generally convince themselves that what they're doing (even if it's purely for their personal gain) is either fair, for a greater good, or pleasing the great almighty creator, therefore pretty much everyone including various terrorist groups and einstein would be attempting to do good, and if good and bad isn't about attempting to be good/evil but is about the end result being good/bad according to common modern morality we'd be calling a bunch of very wellintentioned people, who today are considered great and good, horrible evil pieces of shit.