Author Topic: why do native players hate crpg?  (Read 17970 times)

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2013, 10:57:25 pm »
Because native takes more skill then cRPG. Native there is no high strength builds with plate Armour. Anyone in cRPG can pick up a longsword and spam. Native in battle you have to use shields or you  can't play because you get shot by archers.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 11:01:08 pm by theawesomenoob »

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2013, 10:57:53 pm »
I was part of Warband since it was in the beta stage for MP.  I really enjoyed Warband SP and the native MP, as well as mods (mainly SP mods).  It took me quite a while to get into crpg after I had heard about it because I felt that I was a good native Warband player, but that I wouldn't be able to compete due to not having good gear or skills/stats (which is pretty true for your first gen, especially if you try to play as cavalry like I have to buy enough gear to wear in battle, and have enough money left over to pay for upkeep).  I'm pretty sure I went like 220 deaths or so before I even got my first kill in crpg (which didn't bother me, I knew I was just grinding at the beginning).   

Basically Kalam sums it up the difference between trying to go back and forth between the two pretty well.  After about 6 months of playing crpg I was still playing Native and trying to play in a league.  I was now used to crpg mechanics, and would play the game reflexively (which would get me killed).  I would not use the full lance radius, I was not used to archers being able to pinpoint shoot you (on a courser) from across a huge open field map.  And then I would play native for a couple nights practicing for a match, and then I'd go back to crpg and end up getting killed trying to lance someone farther than the lance angle allows.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 11:01:09 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2013, 10:58:43 pm »
I find native to be way less stressful in battle then crpg for some reason... I'm sure everyone who went from native to crpg did not enjoy their first gen. :evil:

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2013, 11:05:00 pm »
Because native takes more skill then this mod.

If skill=talent.

Native does not take 'more skill'. It takes different skills. In Native, it generally comes down to who makes the first mistake unwillingly - feinting and chambers are key, all due to the speed of the game and how the characters are balanced. cRPG's gameplay relies more on tactical choice and figuring out odd ways (or 'tricks') to use the game mechanics, and at it's worst, it's a question of boredom vs. innovation.

What I'm suggesting is that Native takes more raw reflexes and gaming talent, while cRPG is more like a game of checkers you can learn. Not that Native can't do the same thing- it's just never been a requirement there.

@protox: While I enjoyed my first gen, it was definitely brutal. Thankfully, with Skip the Fun, a lack of ridiculous wpf levels, and clan armories, it's not as bad as it was. The real hurdle would be adapting to the mechanics, and I know some people are perfectly capable of doing that in a day. Others may take months.

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2013, 11:07:57 pm »
Because native takes more skill then cRPG. Native there is no high strength builds with plate Armour. Anyone in cRPG can pick up a longsword and spam. Native in battle you have to use shields or you  can't play because you get shot by archers.

Orrrrrr babydick its because the majority of the players in crpg have more "skill" then native players. Its just like NW, nobody can do shit in melee in that bad. Pretty much the same in Native, bunch of people that cant really block and dont know fighting techniques like feinting or holding.
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2013, 11:48:04 pm »

i gotta agree with this, maybe because there are more new players in native than crpg, im willing to bet most dont even know what chambering is, or even fienting is. i never really felt like native was fast, it felt slower than crpg, it feels like nothing more than a matter of who screws up blocking first, i feel the whole "makes mistakes first" idea only apply in extreme pro duels. does native take skill and reflexes? of course, a whole lot of it actually, but more skill than crpg? id have to disagree.

i dont know, maybe im just annoyed how the mere thought of crpg in a native server causes so many to bash and hate the game. wtf? we dont shit our pants about native like that here.
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2013, 12:11:17 am »
why do _____ hate crpg?

answer: because cRPG is a bad game

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2013, 12:16:44 am »
Well, my biggest complaint with cRPG, and why a lot of people I know who play Native don't come over, is because armor values in cRPG are ridiculously high. You can get around that by playing a high PS build, of course, but that's boring. In general people wear 40+ body armor on a regular basis and I'd venture that most melee wear 50+ on a regular basis.

Whereas in Native the highest armor value available is, what, the Brigandine (plus gloves)?
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2013, 12:32:09 am »
When I get frustrated by constant deaths or some such thing on c-RPG I'll hop on Native and release all the stress by rolling servers with a few buddies from c-RPG lol. Sure there's a few players who are quite skilled, but generally the population on Native seems quite bad in terms of skill in my experience.  :shock:
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2013, 12:41:36 am »
When I get frustrated by constant deaths or some such thing on c-RPG I'll hop on Native and release all the stress by rolling servers with a few buddies from c-RPG lol. Sure there's a few players who are quite skilled, but generally the population on Native seems quite bad in terms of skill in my experience.  :shock:
The vast majority of the good players on the NA side burned out a long time ago. Outside of a handful of duelists (most of whom don't play all that frequently), the churn rate of players is too high for the skill level to rise back up in public play. Playing on random NA native pubs right now is almost always a flashback to 2010 Warband.

Things are a lot better on the EU side of the pond. Nditions is almost always populated (or at least it was last time I checked), and quite a few good players still play.

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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2013, 12:52:09 am »
A native player knows who's who in native, but loses that comfort in c-RPG. Couple that with playing a peasant, which feels like the massive time investment in native went to waste, and c-RPG seems pretty undesirable.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 01:17:53 am by What. »
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2013, 01:13:54 am »
I don't know Hesky, I can practically do the same thing in this mod before I get killed by a stray horse, or some !!Arrow!! that magically found it's way through my expert perfect ultra mega everything noticed skills that all those ranged folk say I should have when I attempt to communicate with one of those aliens.

EDIT: I've been getting downvoted a lot recently. Maybe I should circlejerk some popular opinions to make me look less like a "skillless fucking scrub from native omfg" so here goes.

native sux. upvotes plz
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 01:21:33 am by DrTaco »
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2013, 01:45:05 am »
Native is perfectly balanced for competetive play, all factions have the same classes to choose from and classes are pretty much balanced. Unless you go into a 50%+ ranged fest, it's perfectly fine and infantry will win a match later on anyway.

Imo for competetive play and matches clans vs clans, go play native. For casual play and big matches, crpg and Strat are the way to go.
I played actively in native clan for 1 1/2 years and had 2 trainings a week and matches every 1 - 2 weeks, really enjoying!
In crpg I can play whenever I want and it's still fun when out of shape and still nice as casual player (when 25+, and it's taking to no time to reach that level anyway).
Plus I enjoy leveling up and having my own gear every round. I was in native some weeks ago, hell was I confused with that gear. x)
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2013, 01:54:27 am »
I've been getting downvoted a lot recently. Maybe I should...

Realize that upvotes and downvotes and post counts are utterly pointless, and express your genuine opinion at all times?
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Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2013, 02:00:37 am »
Haha, ToD

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