Valor also heavily favors cav hunters. A good stab on a horse and rider can be 7-10 points by itself. When I hybrid cav, I could do something like get 15 points from attacking other cav and another 15 from being on foot for easy valor.
A good first step for changing valor would be to split it between the two teams. Right now, you need to get above twice the amount of points of the average of 2 teams. Currently, if your team performed poorly, yet you still got a decent amount of points despite overwhelming odds, the other team amassed so many points that you won't get valor.
The next step would be to factor points into the level/skills of the player instead of some HP sponge. You should get a good amount of points for taking out the top archers and light infantry. Right now, it's easiest to try to find the least skilled heavily armored players/cav. This would also indirectly buff ranged/ranged hunters, since they get more points for killing the skilled ranged/ lightly armored players on the other team. Hopefully, this also inherently fixes the low points from headshots issue.
Finally, points from being near the battlefield should be diminished and changed so that you get points for being close to
anyone on your team who is getting points.
Bonus points for causing enemy TWs within your vicinity