Author Topic: Backstabbed...AGAIN!  (Read 4963 times)

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2013, 12:08:35 am »
For owning a fief (which was to be given to CHAOS initially until I goaded Canary into just letting Krosis, Saxton and I dick around with it; so if anything the GAC is a vassal of CHAOS who is a further vassal of Occitan- though that cannot be the case, because if it were Aggregate Alliance would be vassals of FCC, having been given all of that territory they hold by them- but as far as we know, based on the statements of both of those factions, that's not the nature of their relationship) I've been about as active as I need to be, and less now that it's armed and not full of naked men bought from Anders.

It's true, FCC does have their theme set, and there have been less Yaws than before. Within that theme of gear, however, you guys have no light armor at all except for what you pilfer, nothing under 9 pounds/36 armor for body gear readily used; these unused armors account for almost half of all middle-eastern themed body apparel, all of it resting on the lower end of armor (Sarranid Leather Armor- which is beautiful and I don't understand why that isn't your go-to light set with the second Desert Turban- and below). So while it's true that the faction has a theme, it definitely has the preference of heavier armor within that theme. That's an observation- an accurate one- not a judgement!

I never put down "any faction who doesn't crutch on agility spamming heroism". I said that something Holiday said about KUTT (which I assumed was in regards to Strat since this is a Strategus sub-forum but which turned out to be about their past existence in NA 1/NA 2) sounded (to me) like a more apt description of FCC. Maybe he intended to put KUTT down by saying what HE said- that doesn't mean I meant to put FCC down by redirecting his comments to them, just that I (me, here, this guy) thought it was a better description of one faction over the other. An easy mistake to make via only text communication.

I don't think agility is under-powered and that's why people go to Strength oriented builds- I think they're pretty level for lethality and survivability (in their own ways- one by taking more hits, one by avoiding more potentially). This is a player choice thing, and it's probably influenced by a variety of factors: Strategus effectiveness, NA 1 effectiveness, versatility, fun, etc. Agility could stand to be given a very small buff (as it holds one Passive to Strength's two/three passives), but I posit that at the end of the day it's not the lack of possible effectiveness which makes people go more Strength than Agility, it's the boon afforded by extra HP and perhaps a lack of knowledge of how good 12, 15, or 18 STR can be with the right weaponry.

@ Tanken: Did you not see the post I made in your thread about this before the battle started?

Also I guess there are Flaming Katana's and Donkeys in the game now WAT!

You are working with Saxton? the fuck is wrong with you? I miss fun loving mala who i used to run around with in some of the occ vs VE battles... i dont like this bitter new canary junior spindoctor. p.s. agi sucks in strat because you get fucked by teammates if you try to fight in formation and by cav/range if you try to flank. also TAA bought land from us; did chaos buy land from occ? p.p.s. seriously... saxton? goddamn you are desperate to work with that kid.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2013, 12:11:13 am »
Kaelaen lounged against a dead tree listening to the crier sing out the news, and heard tale of the former patriarch of the North turned purple mercenary meet his end.  He did not spend much time wondering the truth of the matter for he only knew the man in passing acquaintance, but the tale left him in a reminiscing mood.  He tilted his head back and blew out a small cloud of smoke, and stared off into nothing specific.

The war... the great war.  When the Free Companies had naught but the deposed Velucans for allies.  He and his comrades were dubbed as backstabbers, saboteurs and countless other titles by the duchy of the Mercenaries, known well at the time as the right arm of the emperor Vovka.  That ragtag group of rebels were starved, beaten and hounded at every turn . . . and they never stopped fighting.  The titles were worn with pride, the hate tempered resolve into steel, and nothing but the best was ever demanded, on either side.

Kaelaen puffed out another cloud and wistfully shook his head; they do not make war anymore like they used to.  The former bridgeburner pushed himself off and began to stalk away from the square of the little secret village of the Velucan Empire, east of Veluca around Mount Robert around the Lake Coy area . . . where if you see Hobb road, you've gone too far and should turn around.  As the sellsword passed a nearby tree, he heard the soft muffled thumps of little things hitting the ground.  Too mute to be fruits . . . as he turned and looked, there rested the fallen corpses of several baby chicks, apparently having failed their first flying lessons.

"What the fuck?" was all he had to say to himself.

Offline Kalam

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2013, 12:31:27 am »
Kalam threw a wooden plate against the wall. He wasn't one known to raise his voice, but here was such an occasion. It wasn't a high voice, or a deep one. Just the measured tone of a disgruntled man.

"Who let him talk? Wait, why are you talking? Silence. Silence all of you," he snarled. He pulled a pen and a sheet of vellum from his drawer and began scribbling furiously.

Im honestly just tired of you putting down any faction who doesn't crutch on agility spamming heroism like you do malaclypse, which is dependent on lighter armor.

Dear Citizens of Calradia,

Kesh was describing us.



« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 12:34:49 am by Kalam »

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2013, 12:36:26 am »
seriously... saxton? goddamn you are desperate to work with that kid.

No, I'm not. Here's my thoughts on it: I attacked Saxton, this started a war between FCC and CHAOS- I form a new faction, he says he'd join, and I think it's pretty funny, the idea of the two guys who started a war being not in either of the factions any longer, but instead a different one entirely.

We have myself, a less active CHAOS member who has been wanting to dick around in his own Strat faction for like, three iterations of Strat, Saxton a disgraced former FCC member, and Krosis a disgraced former Hospitaller member. The worst that could happen is that Saxton takes control of the fief/sells it/removes my rank 10 from the Golden Apple Corps (I made everyone a leader), in which case I don't give a fuck at all lol. I wouldn't hold any bad blood, and would applaud him on his double cross. Though honestly I don't think that will happen, he's been nothing but up front with me and has actually been doing a fair deal of the wheeling and dealing, acquiring troops, gold, etc while I've been sitting on my bum.

I honestly do not see how who I have in my Strategus faction relates to me not being the "fun loving mala who i used to run around with in some of the occ vs VE battles". I'll recruit literally anyone into my Strat faction who wants to join, I just won't seek them out, ya dig. If you want to join it, you're in, and so is anyone else, and I'll trust you with leader as well because I don't care, man.

Edit: fixed a typo (you're not your)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 12:56:55 am by Malaclypse »
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2013, 12:37:16 am »
Kalam threw a wooden plate against the wall. He wasn't one known to raise his voice, but here was such an occasion. It wasn't a high voice, or a deep one. Just the measured tone of a disgruntled man.

"Who let him talk? Wait, why are you talking? Silence. Silence all of you," he snarled. He pulled a pen and a sheet of vellum from his drawer and began scribbling furiously.

Dear Citizens of Calradia,

Kesh was describing us.



Agility whore!  :wink: :? :rolleyes: :wink:  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2013, 05:31:54 am »
jack1 received an urgent message from malaclypse: "yo bro, deeze FCC punks be walkin all up on my turf wit der gay ass hangin out. Anatin ya kan do bout deeze bros walkin all up in my

Jack promptly responded: "yo cracka you need me to get sum a dat FCC punk out a yo town? I kan do
Dat. Du u wan meah ta pop sum caps all up in dur?" The message was quickly sent.

As soon as malaclypse received the message regarding the given predicament he sent a naked gay messenger both to carry the message and to become jack1's new personal slave. The message read "hay if yu fuk dem ponks hup majur I make sure dat dis messamager gift yu wat evah yu want. Includin a lil sookie sookie."

Jack1 quickly mounted his half dead sumpter horse and flew off into the wind. He decided that taking care of matey alone would be egnough to please malaclypse.

He arrived just outside of matey's sleeping chambers at about midnight. As expected matey was fucking many a bitch as usual at this hour. Jack1, have been taught how to dress feminine, dressed as a female and slid a little bottle of chloroform with a handkerchief into his bra. He went to the castle and announced that he had arrived late for matey's fucking session.

The guards responded with: "you'll have to wait untill tomorrow then"

Jack1 then responded with: "okay"

Will jack be successfull?

Will kesh save his other account in time?

Tune in next time to find out, same jack hour, same jack channel.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2013, 08:03:38 pm »
I want my flaming Katana now.
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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2013, 08:08:58 pm »
Hey sJimmy, so does this make us Eskimo brothers?
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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2013, 08:28:01 pm »
Way to go tanken, you really pissed everyone off.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 01:56:42 am »
Will you fucking dick robbers stop gaying up my thread?

God Damn.
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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2013, 03:19:41 pm »
To be frank, I enjoy the company of FCC's members. They're pretty relaxed, agreeable people, which is much unlike the pseudo-intellectualism I see from guys like Canary and sometimes even you, Malaclypse.

This seems like the kind of misconception that occurs when you only pay attention to people through their forum posting. I'm not saying you're guilty of anything, but, for example, it's like all the FCC guys will tell you: while Kesh may flip his lid all over the forums, he's a decent person to talk to. (I myself got along with him pretty well, once upon a time...!) The same could be said for us, probably.

What I mean is that I assure you it is genuine intellectualism. ;)

Not throwing any punches here, because I honestly don't know any of you guys, but I'd thought I'd explain some things.

All these wars are driving us apaaaaaaaaaaart! I don't have anything personal against you Eh Oh Dubs née Teutonic guys, or Acre, or Aggregates, and perhaps only a bit of a smoldering dislike for some of the things a couple FCC people have said or done, but no great hatred for any of them. We may not have a chance to make friends anytime soon, but we can still be civil, even during a pretend-war. For our part, if someone came a-calling while we're playing the game together and wanted to hang out, we wouldn't drive them away, whoever they were. Maybe more cross-clan hangouts would do us all some good and keep the community from being so constantly hate-filled and two-sided (like that complaint that our multi-clan teamspeak hurts the community because clearly it makes all the clans in there automatically allied!).

In short, maybe we could try to get to know each other, in order to do less harm with what we say about one another?

You are working with Saxton? the fuck is wrong with you? I miss fun loving mala who i used to run around with in some of the occ vs VE battles... i dont like this bitter new canary junior spindoctor. p.s. agi sucks in strat because you get fucked by teammates if you try to fight in formation and by cav/range if you try to flank. also TAA bought land from us; did chaos buy land from occ? p.p.s. seriously... saxton? goddamn you are desperate to work with that kid.

I feel like you guys keep misinterpreting Malaclypse's tone just because he gives your faction criticism. If anything, I'd take that as a sign of bitterness more than what Mala's been saying. Also, that whole infinite grudge against Saxton thing is completely tangible bitterness, whether justified or not.

How's that for spin!

Will you fucking dick robbers stop gaying up my thread?

God Damn.

I guess that's what happens when you attack the innocent Chinese immigrants only looking for a warm bed.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2013, 07:18:55 pm »
Will you fucking dick robbers stop gaying up my thread?

God Damn.

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2013, 03:04:35 am »
I guess that's what happens when you attack the innocent Chinese immigrants only looking for a warm bed.

I did it under orders, and for America.
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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2013, 05:29:09 am »
I did it under orders, and for 'Murica.

Fixed for you!

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Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2013, 10:59:50 am »
Will you fucking dick robbers stop gaying up my thread?

God Damn.

No wonder people are so keen to back-stab you.

I was simply saying that Holiday's comment about heavy armor/STR builds and a in it to win it mentality in Strategus sounds more like FCC* than KUTT (who had broken gear and who mostly weren't interested in Strat- the LL section of it was...

...I wasn't thinking anything about AoW there so I'm not sure if that's meant for me, or if it is, why. Believe you me, I care less about Strategus now than I ever have.

Fair enough, but like I said, you're not really getting at Holiday or me with a comment like that, because Strategus is not the reason we play.

This seems like the kind of misconception that occurs when you only pay attention to people through their forum posting. I'm not saying you're guilty of anything, but, for example, it's like all the FCC guys will tell you: while Kesh may flip his lid all over the forums, he's a decent person to talk to. (I myself got along with him pretty well, once upon a time...!) The same could be said for us, probably.

What I mean is that I assure you it is genuine intellectualism. ;)

All these wars are driving us apaaaaaaaaaaart! I don't have anything personal against you Eh Oh Dubs née Teutonic guys, or Acre, or Aggregates, and perhaps only a bit of a smoldering dislike for some of the things a couple FCC people have said or done, but no great hatred for any of them. We may not have a chance to make friends anytime soon, but we can still be civil, even during a pretend-war. For our part, if someone came a-calling while we're playing the game together and wanted to hang out, we wouldn't drive them away, whoever they were. Maybe more cross-clan hangouts would do us all some good and keep the community from being so constantly hate-filled and two-sided (like that complaint that our multi-clan teamspeak hurts the community because clearly it makes all the clans in there automatically allied!).

In short, maybe we could try to get to know each other, in order to do less harm with what we say about one another?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not basing my opinions solely off Diplomacy threads. I've been around for only a year, and a lot of the preconceived anger I have towards community members stems from frustrations on NA_1/NA_3 etc. What I meant to say was that I have had a much more welcoming experience from the FCC side of the community than anyone else. Pseudo-intellectualism was probably the wrong term to use... maybe a bit pompous or pretentious, but you guys seem like otherwise decent people.

I briefly joined AoW last year and played on-and-off until I eventually took a break to play Napoleonic Wars. About six months after disappearing from the cRPG community, I came back and was immediately recognized by Skinboat on NA_3. I hadn't spoken more than three sentences the last time I was in TS with the AoW crew (because I was a shy little boy), and the fact that they remembered me was pretty outstanding to me.

From what I have seen on the forums, it's a big, multi-clan circlejerk against FCC. The reason I said pseudo-intellectualism is that I would see I post from you or Malaclypse making normal arguments with FCC members that would be upvoted by everyone in your power bloc of Strategus, while most if not all counter arguments were downvoted by the very same people.

You and some of the Chaos guys seem like you'd be fun to play with, and really that's all that matters in this game to me, but I really would draw the line at that, because the way you interact in the community is pretty off-putting.
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