Add on top shitty loot zystem... And this will lead to even greater fiefs turtling cuz no one will not willing loose rare gear under walls
strat need to be more arcade
lose fief? fuck dat shit i will take another one tomorrow
for now losing fief after 1 year turtling = GTXe gimme restart!
This is what I mean, loosing a fief doesnt matter now, but with this system loosing a fief and your army will starve off a bit due to lowered faction troop cap - while the attacker by taking your village just raised his faction troop cap and can grind more troops and attack again.
Options for the loosing side:
Turtle - will only make the attacker stronger since he will have some time to gain the extra ticket from taking the fief, while the defender will loose some tickets due to his faction troop cap being lowered
Counterattack - will not let the attacker gain anything from taking the village if done in quickly, regaining the village will help your troops from starving
So, aggressiveness, larger offensive campaigning, well planned strategies is profitable while turtleing is not
This would also apply if an attacker takes out all of the enemies villages and is standing outside a castle with to many troops compared to the defenders faction troops cap. Attacker could then just wait and see the large garrison inside slowly decrease in numbers (sort of a siege in real medieval battles). If the defender doesnt try something, his troops will fasde until its down to the faction troops cap.
Attack and be rewarded if succeeding, defend and be punished if loosing - loose 3-4 fiefs in a row and feel the same panic as you do when a member of your faction has no silver for upkeep but an army of 2k troops - you have to act to stop them from starving. Do u see what I mean Tomas??
example: (
forget about the exact numbers - they could be worked out later its just to show the system)
Faction A3 villages - adds 2000 per village to faction troop cap
1 Castle - adds 4000 per castle to faction troop cap
Initial troops cap for a fiefless faction - adds 5000 to faction troops cap
Total faction troop cap = 15000 (the maximum amount of troops faction A can grind)Faction B5 villages - adds 2000 per village
Initial troops cap for a fiefless faction - adds 5000 to faction troops cap
Total faction troop cap = 15000(the maximum amount of troops faction B can grind)1. Faction B attacks and takes 2 villages frrom Faction A
2. A looses 4k in faction troops capacity while B raises his troop capacity by 4k(they dont gain the troops, the have only changed the limit of how many troops they can have)
3. A starts to loose troops much like starving - while B start gaining troops in the normal grinding way
4. If A doesnt act - he will at some point have 8k less troops than B
5. B could then continue to attack and take the last village - lowering the cap for A with 2k and raising it for B with 2k
6. A is now down to just the castle and with the initial troop cap + the castle troop cap he can only have 10k troops inside - if he has more they will start to starve
7. So A has to counterattack or get allies to help - turtleing will only help B in the LONG run, short turtleingtime could still be useful ofc for A until friends or allies arrive to help A
B has used the attacks to raise his troop cap, he still needs active players to grind the actual troops ofc, but he has made A weaker since A cant grind more troops than his faction troop cap - even if he has 4000 active accounts in his clan.