I really like the overall idea of adding combat abilities, since it adds complexity - and thereby variety - to the fighting. But i have to agree with some counter arguments here.
Firstly, my main problem is, that it has to stay "natural". I do already have problems with accepting the current nudge mechanics (i love nudge but not the cooldown mechanics). I know that this is not a thread about nudge , but my idea includes both (i call them "power-actions") , nudge and dodge .. or leap.
The core idea is , to implement nudge and dodging/leap as a "boosted" standard actions and introduce a "action-key", which will boost the next action.
After using a power action, the character will then enter an "exhausted state" for 5-10 sec (as an substitute for shared cooldown). it will still be able to do all power action , but only perform very weak and slow ... very slow animation which will most propably get him killed - thus it should be interruptable
This would feel much more natural and not like a "blocked action" imo.
to make an power-action , do:
1) Press "action-key" (e.g. SHIFT or ALT - both keys aren't assigned yet in the game
2) Press keys for corresponding standard action ( A+SPACE for left leap, A+A Left dodge, LMB+MOUSE-UP for Overhead nudge(2h), RMB for defensive nudge ...)
This might help out with the mess about assigning activation keys (V-for nudge isnt exactly aergonomic tbh
edit: well, doubble tap for dodge might do aswell .. but tbh, i never really loved double-tap activation - should be substituted by a 2-key-combo imho
edit2: perhaps , reducing running acceleration in exhausted-state would be reasonable too
Also, regarrding the 100% kd ... this should be only doable as a power-action