Bring it on!
The whole thing needs to get a nice balance, though. Nudging with high str results in heavier knockbacks or even knockdowns, while the ability to dodge with high str-chars is very limited. Heavy armour such as heraldic transitional or basically anything that has much plate in it and weighs a ton shouldn't be allowed to do the big nudges at all (Although rolling on the floor should still work, seems reasonable to me) or just have a version where the jump is simply a little further step in the direction than the normal wasd-keys would provide. While doing that, i think those armours would need a buff to compensate not being able to dodge as good with them.
On the other hand agi chars should stay with the weak nudge they have right now, which simply stuns a little, but then have the possibility to nudge more often. For dodging they could max out the animation with a certain amount of athletics and be able to use it more often than the str-builds. Of course, they shouldn't be allowed to roll and jump around on the field every other second, reducing the timer should only be like 1 or 1.5 seconds max. Would still make a difference, though.
I'd say think about this very thoroughly and then give us them goodies. Anything that is being added into the game is a little step forward to even more dynamic and fun fights.
Also, the new knockdown would be very welcome. Getting knocked down, getting hit on the ground and then getting knocked down AGAIN happens way too often. Especially with 1h blunt.