I would love to agree with people who want to unban panos and are sad about the ban like me, but i cant , because ~
Panos isnt a nice guy!
Eventhough i thought i start to like him myself a bit, but on the second thought , it was mostly relief because he didnt insult me directly anymore - aswell as likey or hatey doesnt matter here at all!
Eventhought some people may think he is cool, because he insults random (or particular?) people, appearently not caring about their emotions and his own ban history, Not only in forums, also in game! Yet its correct, he did quite behave ingame ...
Eventhough he had some funny ideas in the forum and had his opinions in suggestions corner, yet often enough acompanied by strong and subtile insults and provocations towards individual people...
Eventhough i feel with him regarding his perhaps bad irl-environment and even more, because i believe he has some kind of neural disorder, making him experiance things stronger than others and causing him to go emo all the time - and i would suggest him to get some help on this matter
Eventhough he has extrovertive charm and a talent to make his friends love him and his enemies hate him, and his punishers feel guilty, and his friends are currently fanatically trying to save him from a ban against all objectivity
Panos isnt a nice guy!
Because its not okay to insult people - not like this ... and its not funny and its not cool and its not rectified, neither by having a bad irl-experiances, nor because its fun watching him do this ... there is nothing that makes it ok,including saying "grow a thicker skin in the internet" - which i find the most retarded statement in this community btw - and admins dont have to tolerate this !
You need to get this straight guys... you can have fun, but not by cost of other peoples fun, and this is what panos is propagating most of the time, regardless if he is realising it or not. And he is doing this with the help of his followers, who are also catalysing this trend ... to the disadvantage of the community and also for panos disadvantage, your own hero!