I guess I can understand how much it sucks if you get constant reports for the same member. So I can understand how CMP, when he reads this - indeed absolutely inacceptable, even for Panos - outburst of insults and cursing, goes absolute apeshit on Panos. We all know how he can be, and we should show some empathy for CMP.
Still, on the other hand, nobody would think you'd lose your face if you'd revert the permaban. Panos acted emotionally all the time, and now did you for the first time, and nobody will charge you with that. If we all calm down until tomorrow, no harm will have been done.
I think saying "It's Panos, it's okay, he can't act differently" is wrong. He has to learn and to stick to the rules like everybody else. Being temperamental is no excuse. To me it shows only a lack of maturity and in some cases of intelligence. I rarely see smart people completely losing control over themselves.
That's why I think that Panos should indeed be punished. My suggestion:
We still stick to the essay "Why ranged combat is important for the game, and why everybody is allowed to enjoy it the way he likes", and expand it with "Why we should treat everybody with respect and why one should always stay objective in a discussion". So he has actually to write two of them.
Then he gets muted on the forum for the maximum amount of time, say 99% or 100% (if 100% doesn't mean ban).
And then he agrees to never violate not only the forum rules any more, but also the rules of conduct and good behaviour. If he again breaks the rules, feel free to ban his ass from that moment on until the end of time. We all will be witnesses of his promis to behave from now on, we all will know the deal and the possible punishment, and we all will know it will be justified when you ban him the next time.
And we all know he will get banned another time. It will just take longer, a year or one and a half something like that. And at that point, the mod will be dead, anyway.