Every post of betard_lulz ever.
no sorry i just don't suck dick when I do post here. hence my relatively equal balance of green and red. What I'm trying to get at is the following:
-It seem to me that a lot of yuropoors in this mod have a big problem with people not following rules AND matters of ambiguous social interaction. About the rules part is fine. Rules are rules for a reason. HOWEVER YUROP, yall ninjas have been pounded in the ass so hard by your fucking nanny state govt's over the centuries that you crave rules for every little thing down to.....ambiguous social interactions over the internet. You know, the internet: Where just because I say I am a 6' tall 180lbs white male who plays rugby doesn't mean I am a 6' tall 180lbs white male who plays rugby. and that is why I am posting on this thread.