i was hoping for a main vs main for the roleplay factor strudog, and fyi i am hardly considered a top grade duel person either, never really go on eu3, but il let you decide what the terms are what you feel comfortable with, stf 2handers same gear would be nice but it would also mean we are fighting with weapons we arent used to, and specially you since youre a polearm player. but ye your choice. also idc who wins, if i win i wont rub it in or enything, and i already find it great that youre up for the challenge.
Attribute points:0
Weapon points:3
One Handed:1+
Two Handed:168
Skill points:0
Weapon Master:7
Iron Flesh:7
Horse Archery:0
Power Strike:7
Power Draw:0
Power Throw:0
this is my mains build btw, so no crazy athletics or enything just ballanced
Geezus, it is plainly stated in the post and in your quote that both standing still and two different speeds of the horse were used in the test, then gave a fact based conclusion. If you want people to give a damn about your complaint, take the time to read the information posted by someone who took the time to test the factors involved instead of racing to the reply button after 2 words.
retorical question bro, also stating the test is semi useless used on a stationary target.
Most of the NA1 maps are urban maps with lots of buildings and artificial structures to provide cover, gotta imagine most of the EU battle maps are the same. I personally think the best teamwork happens on open plains/steppe maps. If we played more of those maps, people might get used to fighting with teammates more often.
And I love Vandal's picture, it's so true. People tend to suck it up more in NA it seems like, not as much whining about how other people are playing wrong. People tend to try and adapt and change to what's going on in the battle, they don't usually come on the forums and pitch a bitch because of the way other people are choosing to play.
I don't get why Rufio and strudog have beef, they both like to bitch and complain about ranged and horse ranged classes, you'd think they'd be best of buddies.
the mini beef is there because of the long history between mercs - nords, templars - nords, since we have always been enemys in strat and rivals in clantournaments, this challenge arrose when strudog awnsered my trollpost with saying i suck monkeyballs or something in those lines yaknow. on a serieus note i have no real quarrel with strudog as a reallife person, and am even starting to like his good sportsmanship.