Supermans are easy as shit, no offense, same with planks, they only burn as part of some sort of finisher, after you've done your main exercises
Few exercises:
Planks with 45lb plate(or something eqiuvently of) on your back, maybe hard to balance and might need some assistance from someone else.
6 inches: lie on your back, like your prepared to do a sit-up, keeping your legs straight(that's the hard part) bring them about 6inchs off the ground, maybe a inh or too more depending on who you are, hold that position, arms at your side, head flat on ground, for atleast 30secs
Burpees: too lazy to describe them, but aren't too hard, until you've hit about 30
Explosive push-ups: cause diamond push-ups are pussy shit
You should definitely invest in some weight-lifting equipment or join a gym, you'd be suprised how stress-relieving pumping iron is, xD
And get some protein in ya!