so ye, i still have to test it more and play it more,sofar i think nudging kills the whole game, its basicly giving people a free disable wich is increddibly eazy to pull off, and not really punishable like with the kick, where u get locked in animation, wich they kinda ruined to when giving the kick a silly cone hitreach oh you took away the block? oh yeah gj. so guys, im calling it now, new meta, everybody with 1 handers and xbows and good athletics. will kill with ranged and will dominate in melee, because of this nudge. lets see what eu1 will look like in a week and if there will be any shielders left on foot.
oh and paul, id like to hear from you how often u see kicks get counterkicked/chambered, and then elaborate more about this chamber nudging youre thinking about.