Shoulder pads, hammer pants, bell bottoms, izod logos, fanny packs, leisure suits, crocs, parachute pants, corduroy pants, polo shirts, popped collars, dicky's, cullotes on men, one-piece jumper's, leg warmers, members only jackets, drop crotch pants,......and many more.
What do those items all have in common? At one time a ton of people thought it was cool to have that look. Now they just look back and wonder "What was I thinking? LOL!". The
difference between those items and the current tattoo trendy fad (even though it is going decades strong now) is that people could shed those bad decisions in seconds flat. Try that with a tattoo! If you like them and
really believe that they are for you, great. Have at it. But at least have a little more self-respect than to simply decide one drunken afternoon that
today is the day to get one and go pick some random piece of amateurish graphic art off the closest tattoo shop's wall of generic slop. And for fucks sake, the last thing the world needs is another tribal tattoo on the arm of some white guy whose closest experience to a tribe is National Geographic or the Indian Headdress he wore for Halloween when he was 4 years old