What has Notch done bad ?
Where to start...
He's a hipster. People who worship him are hipsters too.
He stole the idea and presented it as his original idea.
His "followers" are calling anyone who wants to improve on that concept a copycat.
His game was very poorly coded in the beginning but he managed to persuade his band of hipsters that Java is awesome for writing video game engines and that shitty graphics and textures are the new fad.
He's acting all high and almighty by donating tens of thousands of dollars on every Humble Bundle charity auction but no one knows his what is his connection with Humble Bundle creators. One thing is certain, his game was never part of the auction. His game was never on any discount, as well.
He wasted too much money and time to port his game on X360 and now his game is Xbone exclusive.
He's also full of himself and thinks he's some godlike programmer, while he's the completely opposite.
Similar can be said about Jonathan Blow. His game are also "artsy" and basically made for hipsters.
chadz & Co. from what I've seen are cool people and I hope they'll stay "normal" as they are.