HoC were allowed to lead their own battles, in fact we would have preferred if they had, but for a majority of this strat they havent had anyone who has wanted to lead the battles, so we did it for them. As to them being called cannon fodder, Bonesaw himself told us that he preferred it that way, which is why alot of HoC armies at the start of the war were mostly in lighter equipment.
not exatually
In 1 battle that one of you guy's leaded commanded to try and taking wheyya, most of us noticed after the fight that this guy just waisting oure tickets and equipment, and we agreed with Bonesaw to take the lead by oureself.
3 commanders of HOC would lead the fight, yes, it was going to be another failed attempt, but we knew that, thats why it was a raid, and to proove Bonesaw that HOC has some officers that he can rely on to take over a battle when he's not around
That same person shows up, who lead oure previeus army, and was taking command over again. I left before the batle started, because i noticed how it was going to be, and after that battle, he commes in oure ts and tell to those people who try't to command the battle some feedback how he should have done it , whille that person compleetly ruined oure strategy from in the beginning
yes we had the neccesary kills to deplete that army, but thats not the point.
about that HOC have heavy loses in every stratfight, HOC is a shieldwall, prolly the best shieldwall that there ever is, not that we are good, but because we can hold oure ground, no mather what the loses are, and consider also, that 2/3 of the NA community are most of the time 2h bitches, and you know that is chazz and the dev's favourite style of fighting, because when the 2h bitches are complaining that the other class is OP,that class get nerfed next patch, heck i still wondert why they didn't nerft oure shields, because that is something what 2handers give something to fight for
But people who never fought against or with HOC in anny strat.fight, sign up, and see for youreselfs what HOC can do in a fight. instead of trolling us in this or other threats that HOC is worthles and sucks as a clan. Allot of other clans respect HOC for what we do in strat battle's.
Allied factions, because we're still standing on the place where we have to be
Ennemy's, because we're a pain in the butt
Allone, most of the HOCmembers sucks, but HOC fights as a group, thats there strenght, and allot of people can confirm that when they charge in allone in to oure shieldwall
Arrowaine, you are not compleetly honnest
At the beginning, Wheyya castle was from DRZ, after a couple weeks, it was from Occitan
so you had more then enough time to ship out goods between EU and NA, so, i really believe that LCO are the richest faction of NA, because of this strategy you followt at the beginning
the only thing you had to do, was gaining tickets
Chev joined up, the only thing they have to do, is gaining tickets whille they digt in in Wheyya castle (good job btw for defending it), because the gear they had, was from previeus assaults from HOC, and gold was given by Occitan, that is what i believe, i'm not trolling ya
And then i heard that Arrowaine has sended a message that Occitan would fight further against HOC, i do hope its not true, we will see that when Occitan makes a move, but then i think he made a mistake to under asstimate HOC