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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2013, 09:32:45 pm »
yeah all my hate is toward kesh sorry for fcc i did apologize already but since kesh is the one in charge and doing fcc buisness i have no choice to keep the war going. we did try everything with you guys tough| But dealing with kesh is like... let form a huge alliance and cock fuck everyone one by one. Sorry fcc one day maybe when kalam will take back the lead let hope.... maybe if fcc would have fougth ve we would have actually merc for them :P cheers

Last I heard you tried to get ve to ally with you against that would be quite the huge alliance. Its also hard for us to look for new opportunities when you do your best to convince your friends to never make peace with us.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #46 on: May 21, 2013, 09:34:00 pm »
Last I heard you tried to get ve to ally with you against that would be quite the huge alliance. Its also hard for us to look for new opportunities when you do your best to convince your friends to never make peace with us.

not my fault if everyone hate kesh by now probably cause he troll to much on the forum. Don't blame me :P

i also always let people decide either fcc or us they just go with what their mind tell them to, the crazy french canadian or the evil kesh, they just prefer the crazy french canadian apparantly. but see remnant decide to go with you still fallen aswell you are still quite big sir dont worry you will still do good.

dam almost forgot aow(teutonic) whatever they will be rename in a month or 2.

Kalam is way more evil. Trust me.

i know kalam before you do Gmnotutoo,he is really not evil and i enjoy dealing with him i mean i use to enjoy...he is away :( rip kalam CAW CAW Bird clan
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 09:43:09 pm by arowaine »
Desire: pls smite FCC 2.0 T.T

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2013, 09:36:54 pm »
not my fault if everyone hate kesh by now probably cause he troll to much on the forum. Don't blame me :P
Well when peace talks fail because you uhh enthusiastically encourage your allies to never make peace with us and to never merc for us, it makes me think your purpose in strat is less than beneficial to us.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2013, 09:47:24 pm »
Kalam is way more evil. Trust me.

Kalam is eloquent. Give me all the evil in the world, I'd take it with the ability to express itself over the alternative any day.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2013, 09:47:54 pm »
also Kesh does not run FCC. Pretty sure I have said it plenty. We are a council who decide on things. Sure he has a lot of input but he also puts in the most time organizing things. Have to say I put in way to much time as well, but that is the benefit of working with internet access available from my phone.
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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #50 on: May 21, 2013, 09:51:12 pm »
also Kesh does not run FCC. Pretty sure I have said it plenty. There is a council of his various accounts who decide on things. Sure he has a lot of input but he also puts in the most time organizing things. Have to say I put in way to much time as well, but that is the benefit of working with internet access available from my phone.

Fixed that for you. :P

It wasn't our clan creating the experience that was lifeless, we were not in charge of the battles.I'm sure it's real fun not having to deal with a castle that completely regarrisons itself after each battle with it's own troops and our gear. Sitting on a wall with a maul. Shooting a xbow. Meanwhile, we are stuck with not being able to spawn contruction sites for two of our sieges.

I think what you guys are really missing here is that HoC never had the chance to run our own battles... Now that you are informed, I must now educate you on why we thought this war was a terrible experience.
1. Stereotypical bullshit merc answer of "I like their leadership more but really meaning I like easy defense mode" makes me cringe. tl:dr "I have no respect for this clan and want to make it public while I shout out how good I am off the castle walls."
2. HoC taking the full blame for the sieges failing and being singled out as being a worthless cannon fodder clan (great description, must have taken ages to come up with that one).
3. Being the only clan in the empire actually involved in the front while certain other ally is completely inactive.
There are several other reasons why, but you guys and gals shouldn't know of these things.

Now then, as we are now a separate entity we are no longer the attackers, contrary to the prior sieges. We are waiting for occitan's move. If they want us to continue the war, we shall.

1. I don't choose defense over offense. I choose who leads their battles better or whoever fights against FCC. In the VE vs. LCO war that was LCO and not VE, I cannot honestly say that I would merc for you, HoC, against LCO, but I would have no problem mercing for you in a fief assault, as long as you lead decently.
2. I did not realize you guys were not allowed to lead your own battles, I figured after TKoV screwed up so many you would have tried to take over leading at least the fights your armies were involved in. That said, the Velucan Empire using you as the front-line soldiers without allowing you to lead the front-line battles does smack of cannon foddery, although it is good on you that you kept the alliance going for as long as you did despite that, if it were the case.
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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #51 on: May 21, 2013, 10:02:24 pm »
I can't think of any, then again I don't have dunning kruger glasses on unlike most of Fimulvetr and HoC. My KDRs speak for themselves and they iterate poetry of high value.

Hey man no need to get so emotional on us it's just a video game.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2013, 11:35:12 pm »
I have to say that I have quite enjoyed fighting 2-3 HoC at a time outside the castle walls of Wheyyah. Although you have surrendered to Occitan and ended the war, let it be known that Jesus will always be behind your spawn kiting your shielders into oblivion.
"As you gaze upon the cross, and long for conformity to him, be not weary or fearful because you cannot express in words what you seek. Ask him to plant the cross in your heart. Believe in him, the crucified and now living one, to dwell within you, and breathe his own mind there."

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2013, 12:11:20 am »
I see the war with Occitan similar to the war with Iraq. It was justified and they had it coming, but after a while we start to think "Why are we still doing this? It isn't getting us anywhere".
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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2013, 01:36:41 am »

i also always let people decide either fcc or us they just go with what their mind tell them to, the crazy french canadian or the evil kesh, they just prefer the crazy french canadian apparantly. but see remnant decide to go with you still fallen aswell you are still quite big sir dont worry you will still do good.

Lol, no.  We were pretty close to peace with a couple different factions but then they say they have to get arrowaine's approval before agreeing to anything (you lead their fights for them as well with "kill, kill, kill" and call people stupid repeatedly for not doing exactly what you ordered them to do even if its conflicting orders).  You don't give people a choice but harangue and threaten people if they dont do exactly what you want.  Negga merced for us a couple times and you berated him and gave him tons of shit even though we were not fighting you.  We merc for both sides in a lot of these battles (including yours) but you seem to be black-white undying hatred and respond in anger to any of your own faction or allied factions that dont do what you want them to do.  I still really appreciate the one time I was able to get an occitan to merc for us (haramir you were awesome by the way) other than negga, killa, and pup who I dont consider fully occitan assimilated - probably because they actually enjoy the game instead of having almost a funeral somber ts its so serious.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2013, 01:52:51 am »
having almost a funeral somber ts its so serious.

The TS is always in a pretty good mood from my experiences. I'm telling people they're doing a great job (even during Occitan fights) and they have fun. I'm not sure where you are getting this "funeral somber" description.

And isn't this thread about HoC having a ceasefire with Occitan, not "let's talk shit about this one guy on the internet"?
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Rhalzo's already in Chaos' cooler older brother clan, he's fine riding his motorcycle around in a leather jacket smoking cigarettes with GIRLS, our little treehouse isn't his speed anymore.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2013, 02:01:48 am »
I see the war with Occitan similar to the war with Iraq. It was justified and they had it coming, but after a while we start to think "Why are we still doing this? It isn't getting us anywhere".

We don't like the way the diplomacy subforum is being used right now - most threads derail into offtopic within page 1. We want to see more roleplaying and in-character conversation. This doesn't mean hardcore roleplaying, but you should write stuff with your character in mind.

Therefore, we will announce some rules that you should read closely before posting:
- no one liners - if you have something to say, put some effort in it.
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- think of it as people with messages that are getting sent to all of the lords.
- keep it in the timespan - so no talk about last strategus rounds, if possible

Sorry but I couldn't help myself

In other words, I don't blame HoC for pulling out but I also want to remind everybody that MB and TKoV are not HoC. In other words, tons of fun is still to come, I think anyways.

I can't think of any, then again I don't have dunning kruger glasses on unlike most of Fimulvetr and HoC. My KDRs speak for themselves and they iterate poetry of high value.

If less people would post while smoking crack, that would also be great.

Just to let you know badplayer, I respect HoC 20X more than you, being that if your good you shouldn't be full of yourself and be a little prick to people who enjoy playing this game. Let alone the fact that HoC gets picked on so much (I should know I used to) while doing the harder part of the game(being the ones to take the shots while you frantically spin in circles while team wounding them with more than half your hits).

The other thing is that, we're you not prevously permabanned? Isn't that multi accounting since you have 2 CD keys?

Sorry for the fuming.

Best regards,

P.S.badplayer is an asshole
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2013, 02:42:36 am »
Fixed that for you. :P

1. I don't choose defense over offense. I choose who leads their battles better or whoever fights against FCC. In the VE vs. LCO war that was LCO and not VE, I cannot honestly say that I would merc for you, HoC, against LCO, but I would have no problem mercing for you in a fief assault, as long as you lead decently.
2. I did not realize you guys were not allowed to lead your own battles, I figured after TKoV screwed up so many you would have tried to take over leading at least the fights your armies were involved in. That said, the Velucan Empire using you as the front-line soldiers without allowing you to lead the front-line battles does smack of cannon foddery, although it is good on you that you kept the alliance going for as long as you did despite that, if it were the case.

HoC were allowed to lead their own battles, in fact we would have preferred if they had, but for a majority of this strat they havent had anyone who has wanted to lead the battles, so we did it for them. As to them being called cannon fodder, Bonesaw himself told us that he preferred it that way, which is why alot of HoC armies at the start of the war were mostly in lighter equipment.
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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #58 on: May 22, 2013, 03:02:49 am »
1. All oure batles where commanded by people who aren't in HOC, not that we wanted to take the command, but certain people forces themselfs to lead the battles of HOC, and failed miserble
because this, we where considert as connon fodders by the other clans

2. i scouted wheyya castle and there where atleast 20 people in that castle, from what i saw, they where recruiting, but i can't say that for sure, so thats the setback that HOC had

3. Occitan has infinite troops and gold, that they have received, remeber that they started in EU side, so prolly they made a profit, before they joined up the NA side, and herefore sold all there EU goods
how else do they have suddenly a shitload of fiefs in a short amount of time

I'll play the honesty card here, we've got a grand total of 4600 tickets from Various EU clans in the form of 2x 1800 and 1x 1000 tickets since all of this started, no more no less

As for the boring part, We fought this war the way it was supposed to be fought, you guys were the aggressors we were defending our land (Even though we were attacking outside of the safety of our villages in most of the battles).

Attacking sucks but we did attack and take a couple fiefs because why the hell would we waste tickets attacking a castle when we didn't have any intention of expanding in the first place. It's been hard but we played smart and that's all there is to it
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Re: Hounds of Chulainn ceasefire and trade blockade raised on Occitan
« Reply #59 on: May 22, 2013, 04:56:58 am »
cav get to choose where and how they attack. They can manage the risk. Melee on the line (granted not all stay in line and fight as ordered) have no choice and are hit as much by team as by enemy... including that super helpful cav from both teams and ranged always taking the shot. Totally different experience. Come on down and stand next to me on the wall. Not many can make the transition and maintain impressive k/d.

In that statement I am not downplaying cav. They are awesome and are a great thing to have on the battlefield. But comparing K/Ds should not be done.

To the hounds. They know I love them. When I give a command form wall here and do not move.. The fight could go on for hours and I know damn sure when I look for them that is exactly where they will be standing. I wish other mercs had half the discipline.

Crazy probably called out ranged since lately most Occitan armies have been composed of up to 40% and large number of castle sieges.

As for the Occitans, you guys have fought hard and it has been a good source of XP. We never expected it to drag on so long, I was the third wave in the first attack on weyyahh and it was said before we made it there that I deal be final blow. It seems it is time for a new enemy (hopefully one with less plate maulers and doesn't send me to eu).
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:14:07 am by LordLargos »
Well, this doesn't look good for you. Four team kills - definitely intentional, Appeared to be afk more than once in the video.Also kicking people off of walls is grieving! don't do it.... but ill let you off with a warning this time, only because I don't like largos anyway.