The USA and their European vassalls are controlled by Saudi gold. Thats for sure. So they keep telling us of the brave fight of the rebells, what is bullshit.
You have no idea what you are talking about. During our banking crisis, we printed 700 billion new dollars. That should have resulted in the devaluation of the dollar, but it didn't. The dollar is worth more today against other currrencies than it was before the financial crisis.
Well then you would think that it would cause inflation. Nope. Inflation dropped to .1% in 2008 and is around 1% now in the U.S. and it hasn't gone above 3% since the crisis.
Well then foreign governments like Saudi Arabia loaned that money to the U.S.!
Nope. The Federal reserve doubled its holdings to 1.66 trillion at that time which works out to, yep about 800 billion. We printed the money and borrowed it from ourselves.
Thanks World!
Hell, even without those facts, you have other facts in the way of your "Saudi Arabian gold" conspiracy. The biggest owner of U.S.
foreign debt, not National, we hold 2/3 of that
ourselves is China, and they only just
barely edge out Japan. Followed by them is the United Kingdom and Brazil.
Brazil holds more U.S. foreign debt than Saudi Arabia. The only way you get past Brazil (but not even the U.K.) is to combine all oil exported as a group, which means including Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria along with Saudi Arabia.
Try a new tin foil hat my friend.