Well pre-big batch wasn't too bad if you were lvl 40 ish. (about a 100 players)
What you have done is a massive one-man undertaking, and I hope some rich game company, or SOMEONE realizes this and give you a reward somehow. It is of course bitter for people to loose all those hours of grind.. :-) But people need to realize that this is a Journey. Game design is a very complex endeavour, catering to mass-psychology of players, economical politics etc etc..
The only gripe I have now is that the grind seems to be a bit short, while it might have been a bit long before.
But with the new XP system, would it not be possible to segregate people into different servers based on their level? Having a 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 and perhaps a 41+ server (lolserver) would make it possible for people to progress their char's faster and more steadily. (downward limiting)
I do think you have the playerbase to do this now.
This could create a nice community for the elite players, and a chance for others to enjoy their respective levels as well. (perhaps some people would enjoy the lowish level servers and retire often to stay there etc. )
For strategus, I would suggest simply stealing the main concepts of Risk or a similar game, and only AFTER begin to invent more gameplay elements. (in stead of inventing and balancing everything from the beginning. (Because Strategus is a mammoth task!)
And yeah :-) you are also most welcome to join Ninja_ as an honorary member! (The most fun and interesting playstyle around!)
(And if you really are into sailing, I might have access to a boat in the Aegan sea next summer if the stars align. Wanna come?)