At first I was really like "wtf, thsi patch is utter crap, I won't play cRPG anymore until it gets better again"
Then I was like "hm, actually... I have to focus on gaming now to be good, not to grind, but just be good. I am challenged to kill sbdy without my best gear. Might actually have sth good this patch. I have to rely on my skill, not my armor anymore."
Now, after the Ninjapatch, I am again like "Nah. TinCans comeback with force due to drastically removed upkeep. Pretty much same Iron-fest as before. Nope. Not with me."
And seriously, I pity the Archers. They barely do dmg to me in a Studded Leather Coat, wtf. When I mean challenged, then I want to be challenged from all aspects, not only melee. That's what makes it real fun to play cRPG.