Author Topic: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG  (Read 2753 times)

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2013, 04:28:27 pm »
Nobody is initially malevolent when he creates his forst main and tries to play. The constant hate and lobbyism and nerfs make people malevolent.

Maybe. Honestly I am more inclined to think some players will naturally seek the playstyle that will get them as much negative attention as possible, consciously or not.

I can understand the logic of this post but in the end, the game is what the players make of it.

To give an example : a huge majority of people don't count cards in black jack. However, counting cards is the best strategy. No matter how difficult, it's something people could do. Should black jack be balanced for people that could cards just because such a possibility exists ?

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2013, 04:28:44 pm »
1. Accept that other classes have a right of existance, just as much as yours.
2. Accept that other classes have a right for fun, just as much as yours.
3. Accept that your class can possibly annoy and frustrate other classes.
4. Be always kind to your fellow community members, and try to understand their point of view.
5. Don't hate on other classes, they play to have fun, not to ruin yours. Nobody here is malevolent.
6. Don't suggest nerfs. Ever. If anything, suggest a buff.
7. Keep up discussion discipline. Don't become unobjective, insulting, provocative or something like that. Try to solve the issue, not to "win".
8. Always try to play WITH your teammates on the server, not only along with them. Give teamplay a try. The game gains quality with it.
9. Stay always kind. It's really a basic and obvious rule for a good community, and yet people forget about it regularly. Don't get yourself driven by emotions. What are you? A girl? (Sorry, girls, this one was on you  :wink: )
10. Praise the devs. They don't do a perfect job, and they often behave like dickheads, but if you criticize them, criticize their work, and don't insult them. I think this is another important aspect, as it has impact on how good, how fast and how long your mod will be supported and further developed.

totally +1'ed.

Tho i cant accept nr. 7 and 10.

Devs are evil. And i have all rights to insult them - as they have all rights to spam my Message Inbox with warnings.

... your profile-text just states the main problem. Everything is taken too serious.
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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2013, 04:29:01 pm »
Pretty much this. There are a ton of builds that are all about having fun by simply being annoying and/or ruining other's fun.

I am not sure about this. Keep in mind it's your perception. That's what I am talking about. Can be it's some extreme build, and can be it annoys you. But you don't know if the other person hasn't done it to just test something new or the like. Unless he says, so, of course. I don't deny there are assholes ot there in the internet. But I say the percentage is not as high as one might think, in most cases it's misunderstandings.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2013, 04:30:53 pm »
To give an example : a huge majority of people don't count cards in black jack. However, counting cards is the best strategy. No matter how difficult, it's something people could do. Should black jack be balanced for people that could cards just because such a possibility exists ?

That analogy doesn't work for various reasons, but I can't answer properly as I g2g. I will refer to it tonight.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Offline Kafein

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2013, 04:31:04 pm »
Also about the "malevolent" thing, almost everybody experienced direct nerfs to what they were doing. Only a tiny majority minority "turned rogue" due to discontent with game balance, if any. I just don't see anyone sane (read : not smoothrich) doing that.

Edit : duh
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 04:17:49 pm by Kafein »

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2013, 04:31:15 pm »
The devs have done a fine job with avoiding retarded lobbyist suggestions or crying..

All i can say is keep up the fine work  :wink:
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2013, 04:31:20 pm »
Games that have active development never reach perfect balance, but that doesn't mean you should not strive to achieve it. To get there you do have to buff and nerf, you can't just buff forever. Its like saying the volume goes up to 11 instead of 10, nerfs are not an inherently bad thing it just depends on a whole slew of factors. So "never suggest a nerf" is quite unrealistic imo

I think its healthy to discuss things and as long as you're constructive a bit of playful insulting is OK imo. I don't go out of my way to insult people, but I am concious of the fact that undermining the validity of a role by implying it requires nerfs could be insulting. I don't really agree with being middle of the fence and safe, there is a disingenuousness about that that will not translate into game balance. You have to be quite ruthless with it and not take it personally or feel you should avoid stepping on toes.

Pro's for ranged: They increase teamwork by encouraging players to group together and form shield walls. They stop people randomly running around the map like headless chickens. They create an interesting dynamic that is worth keeping in the game, like tactical manoeuvring to take them out

Con's for ranged: Ranged shots can be very cheap and require little actual input from a player besides pointing a clicking. Damage applied from positions of safety where you aren't challenged much in player vs player combat. The actual game mechanics are far far less deep than melee or cav combat, its crosshairs and fast moving projectiles with little dip. Loads of ammo so fail over and over and hit something. Random headshots that insta kill for no good reason. People pick ranged because they don't want to have to get good at the game

I could do the same for shielders, cav, polearm or 2 hander, but cba atm. I don't really agree with people being biased and selfish about their playstyle. Nerf the crap out of poles if that increase skill and tactics based gameplay, I wouldn't care if it achieved that goal.
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2013, 04:33:40 pm »
The devs have done a fine job with avoiding retarded lobbyist suggestions or crying..

All i can say is keep up the fine work  :wink:

The devs are doing great ignoring their communities needs :(
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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2013, 04:39:29 pm »
I am not sure about this. Keep in mind it's your perception. That's what I am talking about. Can be it's some extreme build, and can be it annoys you. But you don't know if the other person hasn't done it to just test something new or the like. Unless he says, so, of course. I don't deny there are assholes ot there in the internet. But I say the percentage is not as high as one might think, in most cases it's misunderstandings.
Haha. I'm sorry. You are wrong. I used to be in the NA SemenSTORM faction. You are absolutely wrong in thinking that there aren't (several) builds created to simply be annoying and to troll, and that people get their 'fun' out of doing this. It's really quite naive of you to think so. Pretty much every single person in that faction has at least one build specifically created to be annoying.
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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2013, 04:45:54 pm »
The devs are doing great ignoring their communities needs :(

Devs are doing great at oiling squeaky wheels.

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2013, 05:35:51 pm »
well put beavis.

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2013, 05:51:39 pm »
No-one here is malevolent you say? I beg to differ... MWHAHAHA

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2013, 06:17:58 pm »
Ppl will rage for the sake of rage. Do u seriously expect ppl to be kind to each other all the time? Ppl will get stressed. That happens with diversity, more so than some fps or point and click MMO.

With saying that, nerf weapon stun! It's ridiculous i cant even attack a Flamberge with my Scottish sword.

Edit:Also, Having strat and crpg linked fucks with balance ALOT. hopefully the next game won't be linked.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 06:22:18 pm by Havoco »
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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2013, 06:35:40 pm »
It's the same problem with all competitive online games. There are always people who takes score/stats too seriously and seek the playstyle that gets them on top of the scoreboard. Usually it means they have to abuse the one strength their class has and others start to whine about it being op. Every class has some strength over the other so they all cry for nerfs.

I really don't see the end for bitching unless people stop taking things too seriously and get back to casual gaming again. Although it's good thing that there's discussion about balance since new weapons and maps get added along and need tweaking and such (which by the way the team have handled nicely so far).

When I got hooked in this game it was because of the athmosphere, being in some big ass battles, stuff flying people dying and me shitting my pants running away from some dude with a pitchfork. Still remember thinking when I was shot, "Holy shit that was a nice shot!", or when I got cleaved and slashed in pieces, "Holy shit, that was awesome!". At some point it turned into "Fucking OP archers" and "Damn OP 2h and poles". Really should get that old casual attitude back and remember why this game is so cool after all. This topic's name is right on track.  :)

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Re: That lobbying has to stop - we need to change our attitude in cRPG
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2013, 06:45:12 pm »
This post was pretty dumb. Nerf hoplites.