I appreciate effort you guys put into this game mode, but Conquest idea just don't fit Siege at all.
Let's think a while about original Conquest game mode, made by Taleworlds (and available to use in cRPG without any effort at all):
- Both teams start with some specific points (let's say 300 points)
- There are 5 (or less) flags on the map
- When game starts, both teams has 1 flag on their side, all other flags are neutral
- Every team can capture any flag on the map
- Captured flag takes 1 point per second from enemy team points
- Team which first get 0 points, loses
In original Conquest game mode, all sides has equal chances, everything is easy to understand and works briliantly.
The problem with current cRPG Conquest-Siege is, it's impossible to balance it. It's not about making defenders respawn time longer. You can't balance this mode well, because number of players will be different all the time (the more players, the harder it will be to take flag for attackers - the less players, the harder it will be to defend the flags for defenders). You also can't balance it because every map is different, some respawn time settings will work on one map, but won't work on the other.
I don't really understand why didn't you use original Conquest game mode and add few features there (like map preview, respawn point chosing, flag markers etc). That would be balanced by itself, because there would be no "defenders" and "attackers", both teams would have equal chances to get flags.
Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your work, but I just don't understand why to complicate things by trying to merge Siege and Conquest into one mode, when you could just tweak native Conquest game mode. Less work and it would be balanced by default, objectives would be same for both teams (control more flags than enemy over time). I think it would be also funnier and more tactical. You don't have to take specific flag in original Conquest, you don't need to fight over one flag all the time, which is just boring, especially on Siege maps (you need to use same corridols/alleys all over again to get into that specific flag, which is of course full of defenders).
I would prefer to see original Conquest game mode tweaked for cRPG instead of merged Conquest-Siege thing we have now.