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The basics- Siege mode now supports multiple flags.
- The goal for attackers is still the same; capture the castle.
- All flags must be capture before the time limit is reached for attackers to win.
- Flag layers:
- The map maker will be free to group flags into layers/groups, where all flags in the first layer must be captured by attackers before the next layer opens up.
- No limit on how many flags there are per layer. There can be completely open maps where all flags are capturable from the start, or in the opposite case, maps that are completely linear (one flag per layer).
- Minimum amount of layers is 1, meaning all flags would be capturable. There is no upper limit.
- Spawn points: Individual spawns linked to each flag. Attackers and defenders have separate spawn points. Players will spawn away from enemies if a suitable spawn point linked to the selected flag is available.
- Spawn menu/map:
- Opened by pressing M (also closes it, as does Space), selecting the "Select spawn" option in main menu, or when closing equipment screen.
- Hover mouse close to flag to see it's name (if it has one).
- Click on a flag (or attacker spawn if you are attacker) to select it as your spawn location. This will be remembered, unless your team loses control of it. You do not need to reselect the same spawn each time you die.
- Icons:
In short, the color displays if your team controls the flag or not, the foreground what state it is in (captured, active, inactive). Orange color = neutral. Enemies can spawn at flags marked by red icons, your team can spawn at blue icons.
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Capturable flag, from attackers point of view.
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Capturable flag, from defenders point of view.
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Uncapturable flag (not yet capturable), attackers pov
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Uncapturable flag (not yet capturable), defenders pov
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Captured flag, attackers pov.
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Captured flag, defenders pov.
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Neutral flag (capturable for both teams, no spawning on this. Usually means that there is fighting going on here, or it's in the process of being captured by attackers)
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Marks the previously selected flag. If you close the menu with space/M, this will be kept as your selected spawn.
The green arrow marks your current location and rotation if you are alive.
Example screenshots, taken at the same time during a round but from different points of view:
- 3D map (left-alt menu): Intended to help players with navigation and flag information. Look at a flag to display the flag's name, the distance to it, and the icon to determine it's current status. Uses the same icons as the spawn menu.
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- Compass: Integrated into the 3D map menu. Points in the direction of the closest capturable or neutral flag from your location. Usually not a bad idea to follow this.
- Classic maps: Old siege maps are supported. Should work close to how the old siege was, with some adjustments. Spawn selection menu disabled.
- Custom time limit: Round time limit can now be set per map by the map maker
- Custom defender respawn penalty: Penalty can be set per map by the map maker.
Flag capture behaviourI've made the entire flag handling script from scratch, so they behave a bit differently from the old ones.
Once attackers bring the flag all the way to the bottom, it changes to the attacker's banner and becomes neutral. When a flag is in a neutral state, the attackers now pull the flag up, and defenders pull it down. If attackers pull it all the way to the top, the flag is fully captured.
Defenders can not recapture a flag that attackers have fully captured.
If defenders manage to pull the neutral flag down to the bottom, the flag comes back in the possession of the defenders.
No players of any team can spawn on a neutral flag. Attackers have to capture it fully, or defenders need to retake it.
A few notesThere are still some serious bugs around for this mode, and I'm working on fixing them. Hopefully I can get some fixes in before I leave for the mocap event this weekend.
WSE1 users (anyone not running the crpg client): The spawn menu won't display correctly for you. When you are in spec mode, or not alive, the camera won't be moved to the correct position/rotation. You should however be able to rotate the view around by moving your mouse to the screen edges.
About xp: I'm well aware that the current xp/gold system doesn't work well with this mode. I'm working on sketching up a new system for all gamemodes. No ETA on this.
That's it for now. I've probably forgotten to include some stuff, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
Edit: Map makers' guide