I dont understand why ANY polearm user is complaining about 2H, when the stats on the the weapons themselves
clearly reflect the superiority of the polearms. any failings on the part of the polearm users in duel, battle, or otherwise is simply fail on their own part.
If you were to compare all of the top tier weapons across the classes, you will see that the 2H has a pretty lackluster rating compared to both 1H and PA.
The 1H gets a sweet speed boost, with excellent range and decent cut in exchange for high damage output of other classes. The polearms appear to sacrifice nothing, while the 2H have pretty much less in EVERY category. What more do polearm users need to succeed??
Long Espada Eslavona
weapon length: 103 <---decent length
weight: 1.3 <---Low weight
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 99 <---Great Speed
thrust damage: 28 pierce
swing damage: 27 cut
slots: 1 <---minimal inventory
now compare that to the PA, and the lacklustere 2H and see who stands out....
Danish Greatsword
weapon length: 124
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 92
thrust damage: 24 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode
Elegant Poleaxe
weapon length: 132
weight: 2
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 92
thrust damage: 26 pierce
swing damage: 39 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield