Now using this post to keep track of when/what I'm using when I get it:
5-16-2011: straw hat, leather jacket, khergit leather boots, leather gloves, new pike
5-30-2011: straw hat, red cavalry robe, leather boots, leather gloves, mw highland claymore
5-31-2011: straw hat, leather jacket, khergit leather boots, leather gloves, villager's practice longsword
6-1-2011: faceplate, light kuyak, splinted leather greaves over mail, gilded hourglass gauntlets, mw highland claymore
6-4-2011: straw hat, red cavalry robe, leather boots, leather gloves, mw heavy bastard sword, champ courser
6-6-2011: faceplate, blue tunic over mail, leather boots, plate mittens, mw heavy bastard sword
6-22-2011: straw hat, leather jacket, khergit leather boots, leather gloves, elder's practice longsword, mw crossbow, steel bolts
7-13-2011: straw hat, red cavalry robe, mail chausses, leather gloves, mw longsword, champ courser
straw hat: 6
faceplate: 2
leather jacket: 3
red cav robe: 3
light kuyak: 1
blue tunic over mail: 1
khergit leather boots: 4
leather boots: 2
mail chausses: 1
splinted leather greaves: 1
leather gloves: 6
gilded hourglass: 1
plate mittens: 1
pike: 1
highland claymore: 2
practice longsword: 2
heavy bastard sword: 2
longsword: 1
crossbow: 1
steel bolts: 1
courser: 2
6-8-2011: kaftan, rus cavalry boots, leather gloves, long bow, bodkin arrows, spiked mace