Ancient cRPG - winning a 1v7, armed with a longawlpike, with the 7 attacking me simultaneously from all sides, including an Oberyn from one side and a thrower constantly spamming daggers in my back.
You were the first player I saw doing anything remotely impressive with the long awlpike, and it inspired me to buy one in the first place. It was, for the longest time until recently, my absolute favorite weapon in the game. The combination of the length and speed felt perfect with my build and playstyle until the turn-nerf hit. Thanks for that. Anything else is the
wrong awlpike, am I right? (I still like it a lot, for the record, it's just sadly not my favorite anymore)
Back when Chaos was a new clan, we used to scrimmage a bit. This was because strategus was on its first hiatus forever and ever (December 2010 never forget). One of our first major scrims against a clan was versus ATS in their prime. They were supposedly undefeated in scrims on Warband. We had no sense of teamwork back then, and our class balance was pretty ridiculous. We got schooled. But with schooling comes learning, and so weeks later when we scrimmed them again, we won - in a three map contest we won 2 out of 3. After the map that tied us up we had a duel-off between our two "champion" players, and the winner, our guy, Sauce, got to pick the tiebreaking map.
Here's a gallery of screenshots from that final map.When we won that last round, it was the first time I thought to myself that this clan might be legit.