polearmer, but im only using 2D weapons (pikes). ill only talk about those:
*being able to hold your weapon infront of you to create distance between you and your enemy. if he runs into it, he gets the pointy end in his balls. also including the fact that you cant walk through the stick of a solid piece of wood.
*yeah you know it, pikeformations are useless and being able to hold your weapon in front of you as passive weapon would do alot, but another thing imo to improve this is adding unability to block multiple incoming stabs (would actually count for most stabs, yes im sorry to tell it but 2H would also get this too (imo))
*making it possible to stab next to a teammate and not hitting him (without having to do a curve stab) there just shouldnt be any dmg when a teammate gets hit by the wooden part of your fucking long spear/long awlpike). only the pointy end should do dmg, but this doesnt mean you can go through players and objects with the wooden part
*ok first of all, to make everyone happy: remove the curved stabbing. this is something pikers need to abuse because there is no other option (its too easy to break a piker formation and start fighting them 1vs 1 right now). curved stabbing is gay indeed , but thats what the game mechanics force us to do
*no blocking for pike and long spear
ill edit this when i find what i forgot. imo there are alot of things that need to be changed to make this class more realistic and make it feel more natural (atleast crpg is not like wfas where pikes can do overhead stab 360's that turn a full circle in 0.5 seconds with a 100% chance to hit).
btw, panos: good thread, you ask our opinion about our own weapons. thats how it should be, not players asking for nerfs of other classes
edit 1: im a high agi player and would like to have a nerf of strength. Its just to easy to be a full plate strength mauler atm
edit2: but plate armor shouldnt take any dmg from a small cutting sword or a arrow that hits it. Pierce weapons are the answer (thats why they invented pikes and armor piercing swords instead of fucking fast scimitars)