Don't have a class.
But in any case:
Pole arm character
Two handed character
And a little throwing character.
Hmm....well id ask for the Long maul to not be included in the nerf to crush through. Frankly if you are holding a swing on this weapon when it's an overhead, you are either stupid or dead, usually both.
At the moment the overhead on that weapon is essentially just for support, which some may say is the point, but I don't see why it shouldn't be more useful in lone situations. I love team play, but you cannot always rely on others.
There is great fun to be had in holding a sideswing and then changing to an overhead quickly to bait someone into being crushed. It's never been a hard weapon to dance around and ignore and now it is even easier to do so. I cannot think of many people who struggled to fight a long maul user before, even one of the very good ones.
But I don't mind hearing a counter-point to this one.
Next a more controversial issue: Jump-shots with throwing. Now I understand that when most see jumping and shooting they may think back to a time on their melee character(s), when they were chasing some annoying little scamp who just ran and ran only to jump and turn while shooting them.
But from what ive experienced with my thrower, such a kiting technique is still quite possible and in fact more reliable now that throwers are merely turning to shoot or weave through enemies and they no longer feel obligated to jump.
However the absence of jumping does provide an issue of skill ceiling. Myself I cannot see how it is balanced or fair to remove the amount of non-game-intentioned******* options available to a player simply because of what he or she chooses to play with.
Now if cavalry comes a'chargin no longer can a thrower time their jumping and throwing to get out of the way and hit the enemy horseman. The point is that being able to do so effectively is a testament to the ability of the player able to do so with consistency and skill.
The same applies to that often overlooked skill of jump shooting into the head of a shielder as he/she approaches you. Doing so is risky, often at the risk of death for most and to be able to do so requires a very sound judgement of both that person's placement and footwork as well as an equally sound observation of the opponent's.
Neither of these are, (in my opinion as all claims of skill on this forum are), particularly easy to pull off. In fact the latter is more often unsuccessful in it's execution than anything.
To me it is the equivalent of removing pike air thrusts or spin strikes. Player-invented abilities that improve the depth of the game.
Unfortunately I see it as a difficult position for the developers to take since if they were to give jump shooting back to throwers then they would have to face the wrath of people using bows and crossbows.
This is something I don't think would generate much support, nor do I foresee it coming back, but I wanted to offer my perspective on it as both a melee and ranged player.
What I mean by non-game-intentioned is some aspect of playing that the players of the game have invented or come upon in their daily playing sessions that are obviously not intended features. I'm not talking about exploits here, (though perspectively many might disagree), i'm talking about small strategies that players come up with as individuals that they use in their style of play.
Some of which become popular enough to make it into mainstream usage. Such as wiggling around like a madman while holding a melee strike, or pike users looking at the sky and then turning their stabs into people so as to hit with full force at a much closer range.
That last one could be considered an exploit to be fair.