Pierce and blunt are supposed to be what you use against heavily armored targets though.
Except we're talking about CRPG here. Unless you only fight naked people, blunt/pierce is a dramatically better damage type than cut.
Cut weapons get hit hard by any type of armor. Even at only 20 armor, there's a significant difference between cut and pierce/blunt.
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loginI wish the damage system was redone where each damage type was great against one tier of armor, decent against another tier and terrible against one tier. It would increase weapon diversity and also get away from the "1 type fits all" approach that we have now.
So for example just so you can see what I'm talking about:
Cut - great against light armor, decent against medium, terrible against plate
Pierce - terrible against light, great against medium, decent against plate
Blunt - decent against light, terrible against medium, great against plate
Anyway, something that requires some type of decision other than: "I want my weapon to be long, fast and weak" or "I want my weapon to do a fuck-ton of damage to anyone."