I can't say any class is OP right now...
... only because I haven't played for a week ofc
As for non-stabbing 2h weapons, I like it. I had a two or three gens with my agi 2hander with Miaodao, and it was real fun. Miaodao is a perfect spamming weapon (spamming is what I did a lot
). It combines a great cut damage with recently buffed speed and nice range.
PS: 2h stab is gay and ugly.
PPS: but then I went back to shielder, because 2h is nearly useless against archers, and as shieder I can deal with any class (some easier and some harder), but no one can kill a shielder easily (like archers kill slow 2hers or like 2hers kill pikemen). This universality is what I like.