I was building with construction for multiple rounds. This makes my chat disappear, which I mentioned in chat 2 or 3 times. Then I'm building a Healing Tent and Liorick kicks me. I come back and rage at him because I'm tired of these new idiot admins who think they know the rules when they don't! Seriously, they should make them pass a test or something. Then Desire is like it's delaying, bla bla bla. And Liorick says he warned me, which I couldn't see because my chat was disappeared.
CONSTRUCTING IS NOT AGAINST THE RULES. "Oh, but you weren't helping the team!" THEN WHAT IS A HEALING TENT FOR? I know the rules; I've been on this game probably longer than all the NA admins except Shik because he's a developer. I KNOW THE RULES.
•No drawing/delaying the round on purpose (i.e. running away or camping unreachable places when you're one of the last people alive)
◦OK: running away and shooting enemies that are reachable by projectiles
◦NOT OK: running away or avoiding confrontation when there is nobody to shoot in range or everyone is behind cover.
◦NOT OK: running away or avoiding confrontation to search for ammo
•No siege equipment spam
◦OK: Planting ladders to get to roofs or walls
◦OK: Blocking a door with a construction site
◦OK: Planting siege shields to provide cover from ranged fire
◦NOT OK: Creating a weapon rack and spawning more than a few items to block movement
Now please tell me where I went wrong. I wasn't delaying; there were still many people left. "You weren't helping the team." Umm ok so what is a Healing Tent for? Seriously, tell me. And shove it Liorick.