Never been a doormat, never had to to raise my fists for my own selfish pride in 5 years. Them being a prick and chatting shit and getting in your face doesn't justify you taking things up another notch
That's just, like, your opinion, man. If someone chooses to act like an asshole, then in my eyes they deserve whatever's coming their way. If they don't realize that they might, in the worst case (or best, depending on your perspective) end up dead, they're fooling themselves.
maybe when you're 17 and trying to act like a big man you think it's necessary- i sure as hell did. But then some day you give a guy a black eye without hesitating just for chatting shit when he's drunk (like so many of us do), a guy who's usually a mate or even your brother, and you realise you're the biggest prick in the world.
I'm very sad to hear that's what you've done. Some of us are in control of ourselves, though, and actually capable of assessing the situation. Why would you deck your friend or your brother for talking shit? If it really bothers you, you should mayhaps just not keep in touch with them. Only do what you're happy to live with.
wounded pride and personal insecurity are never a good excuse.
Responding with violence against someone shoving and threatening you isn't "wounded pride and personal insecurity." Not only are you allowed to legally defend yourself at that point, that guy deserves a beating for intentionally trying to ruin your good time by being a real Richard-head.
I think you've had to that a lot...
Actually no, unfortunately.