
Was the turn rate nerf good or bad for the game?

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Voting closed: December 18, 2012, 07:08:46 pm

Author Topic: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?  (Read 10898 times)

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #120 on: December 13, 2012, 06:27:17 pm »
I am a little skeptical of you saying that you easily chamber helicopter lolstabs.
Actually I used to think chambering 2h stabs was a lot easier. Chambering used to be my default tactic against 2h heroes as a German Poleaxer, overhead chamber, 45c to the face. The old 2h stab was turnable, but also reliable. The hit always came at the same moment in the stab animation. So at whatever angle they stabbed, the bit of the animation that was chamberable was always the same. As soon as you got a feel for it, it was decently easy to chamber. It was almost like the hit was at a fixed point in the animation.

Currently, that is not the case at all. At close range you can do up down swipes with a 2h, much like a longspear, that do complete insta hits, while also being able to drag it into enemies, with the hit being ridiculously late. The hit can occur at any point in the animation. I think the same was changed for polearms. I can do much faster hits with longspears if I do them very close up, compared to dragging them into enemies. This combined with the borky hit detection, which makes the actual hit sometimes occuring after the blade hits you, or before, makes chambering stabs in general but mostly 2h stabs very dodgy. So you can no longer count doing the chamber at a set moment after the stab started, and the visual cue is very borked as well.

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #121 on: December 13, 2012, 06:29:13 pm »
Honestly I feel the same way as our beloved cow about this. I had troubles chamberblocking turning stabs and overheads but I completely lost the timing since the turn nerf, so now I can't chamberblock any stab consistently at all. I don't really use that often either so... whatever.
Had almost forgotten to 1+ that.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #122 on: December 13, 2012, 06:31:02 pm »
Happens to me to even though I'm globally banned, lol.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #123 on: December 13, 2012, 06:34:19 pm »
The right way to do it is to lower the turn speed based upon weapon weight and/or length.  I would just do it based on weight.

However they did not do this so all short 1h weapons fucking suck at landing over heads.  90 percent of the time I lose 1v1's because of a missed overhead.  Even though on my screen it looks like it goes right through the enemy. 

I hope they look into this.
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #124 on: December 13, 2012, 06:47:45 pm »
90 percent of the time I lose 1v1's because of a missed overhead.  Even though on my screen it looks like it goes right through the enemy. 

I hope they look into this.

This is definitely an issue. Or the times that you hit to the left or right of your opponent and the overhead still lands somehow. One thing I'm curious about is if this issue always existed and nobody noticed because everyone dragged their overheads before the nerf.

Regardless of what the devs do with turning, hitboxes really need to be looked at.
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #125 on: December 13, 2012, 10:06:47 pm »
Actually I used to think chambering 2h stabs was a lot easier. Chambering used to be my default tactic against 2h heroes as a German Poleaxer, overhead chamber, 45c to the face. The old 2h stab was turnable, but also reliable. The hit always came at the same moment in the stab animation. So at whatever angle they stabbed, the bit of the animation that was chamberable was always the same. As soon as you got a feel for it, it was decently easy to chamber. It was almost like the hit was at a fixed point in the animation.

Currently, that is not the case at all. At close range you can do up down swipes with a 2h, much like a longspear, that do complete insta hits, while also being able to drag it into enemies, with the hit being ridiculously late. The hit can occur at any point in the animation. I think the same was changed for polearms. I can do much faster hits with longspears if I do them very close up, compared to dragging them into enemies. This combined with the borky hit detection, which makes the actual hit sometimes occuring after the blade hits you, or before, makes chambering stabs in general but mostly 2h stabs very dodgy. So you can no longer count doing the chamber at a set moment after the stab started, and the visual cue is very borked as well.


and whilst it is difficult to chamber the lolstab when it's spinning around, because there's no floor digging in c-rpg it's not that hard. I wouldn't usually chamber those ones however, the ones i'm talking about are where the 2h is used as big pointy stick, they're really easy to chamber pre-nerf, post-nerf impossible.

Also, outranging a 2h / pole stab with a 1h sideswing pre-nerf, difficult but definitely possible (it used to be my go to tactic), post-nerf absolutely impossible ... the long and short of it is that what they did was to turn the slowest attack in the game into the fastest attack in the game o.O

very strange.
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #126 on: December 13, 2012, 10:12:57 pm »
I was never a bigger stabber with one hands to begin with, but my favorite move with crpg was the left swing feint stab. You could being and left swing and then look up and to the left (pretty natural with inverted swings) so the poke followed through the same path a left swing would. Most players would rarely block this, and was usually a head shot. That move is now dead :(

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #127 on: December 14, 2012, 01:16:18 am »
playing melee in this game atleast for me became from the best to the worst and most unrewarding frustrating experiences ever. reasons: god knows, maybe i just burned out, maybe its dealing with same bullshit over and over again, maybe because a loomed archer 2 hits me with 57 body armor, dunno you tell me.

i see no reason to play a pure melee 2her or polearm really... so as far as im concerned do whatever
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #128 on: December 14, 2012, 07:38:03 am »
turn rate nerf made 1h overhead, and 1h stab, absolutely worthless,
Funny thing, yesterday on one map 12 out of 13 my frags was made with 1h stab... "Absolutely worthless", indeed  :rolleyes: If native pro says so it has to be true.
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #129 on: December 14, 2012, 09:57:30 am »
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #130 on: December 14, 2012, 10:06:16 am »
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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #131 on: December 14, 2012, 11:00:01 am »
A lot of point here are "I can do well with it, it must be fine"
Well y'know, pretty sure Tommy or Poopy or Parre or Alpha or Bjord or GTX or Phase or etc etc could beat me with a wooden stick if I was in +3 plate. So wooden stick is OP, no?

You've got to look at the AVERAGE player. Now with the raise in average skill level, it is hard to tell the average player. I would like to propose that I am such a player though.

My nicks are/were:
Templar_Richard (pole cav/hoplite)
Templar_Wolfgang (1h/2h/thrower) (used to be xbow + 2h)
Dagobert_Tux (flamberge)
(Now deleted) Canavan (1h+shield)

^ That's so, if any of you remember me, you know I'm not awesome at the game ^

Now Richard is my main, and I used to love using the English bill on him. I admit, I did abuse the turn animations a little bit, but maybe they just didn't need to be reduced as drastically as they were? Now I don't own any inf 2D weapons, purely because they aren't as long as the long spear and quite a lot when I do the overhead the enemy easily side steps or my team mate dances in the way. My main weapon of choice on foot (which isn't often because I hate polearm foot now, I never really used 4D polearms as I preffered the support role with the bill, is the long bardiche. It's ok, but I never overhead. Just left and right swing spam.

Wolfgang, nothing to say really. Too new to comment.

Dagobert, my lovely flamberge. I get most frags with this guy, probaly due to the really high damage, but also because it's really really easy (I've found) to spin slash with it. And by extension (from when I was using bastards and picking GS's off the floor) most 2h's. I never overhead or thrust (unless it's dehorsed enemy cav) as it's way too risky.

Canavan, 24/15 build. Quite strong, used light gear so I wasn't slow either (bascinet, plate mittens, aketon and splinted greaves with spurs or w/e) I used the broad short sword cos I loved the look of the weapon. So, what was I looking at here?

speed rating: 102
weapon length: 86
thrust damage: 26 pierce
swing damage: 28 cut

Well, I saw a short sword, with nice speed. And I thought "Well, that stab damage isn't too bad. I think the reduced cut damage is worth it!"
And yes I got kills with the stab! Quite a few infact. But oh wait, what's the point of pierce again? To go through armour! And what happend nearly every god damn time I went to stab anyone with 50+ armour (which isn't rare), I glanced. The way I killed the most heavily armoured guys I came across, was to slash their face till it fell off, and with 28 cut, it sometimes took quite a few hits.

I'm average (see above) and these are things I've found while playing: 2D polearms were nerfed into near ineffectiveness for me, and 8PS 26 stab 1h bounces off heavy armour a fair bit, which it is meant to work against. I'm not suggesting any fixes myself, but I can see how a slight increase in turn speed would help.

But y'know, now there's going to be a bunch of people quoting parts of this, taking out of context and the cRPG staple:


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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #132 on: December 14, 2012, 11:10:08 am »
Well "I can't do it, why can you ?" isn't much better.

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #133 on: December 14, 2012, 11:14:29 am »
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Hahaha wat is this i dont even

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Re: Turn rate nerf good or bad for the game in general?
« Reply #134 on: December 14, 2012, 11:15:30 am »
Well "I can't do it, why can you ?" isn't much better.

Where did I say that?