Author Topic: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]  (Read 17906 times)

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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #135 on: January 20, 2013, 06:14:59 pm »
Please remove all references of FCC.  That clan is dead.

I didn't notice FCC members are impersonating ATS by using their tag and changing colors.  If any ATS complain, I'll have to start handing out bans until this is rectified.  This will be the only warning.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #136 on: January 20, 2013, 06:19:40 pm »
I didn't notice FCC members are impersonating ATS by using their tag and changing colors.  If any ATS complain, I'll have to start handing out bans until this is rectified.  This will be the only warning.

I don't think you understand, they're reforming the great clan of ATS to rebuild the great NORTHERN EMPIRE.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #137 on: January 20, 2013, 06:45:17 pm »
I don't think you understand, they're reforming the great clan of ATS to rebuild the great NORTHERN EMPIRE.

That's dishonest, unfunny trolling, and impersonating other factions and their members is simply not allowed. 

ATS is still around and I play with several of their members on a regular basis.  I will see if they feel any further action is required here.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #138 on: January 20, 2013, 06:46:31 pm »
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This is honestly getting ridiculous of how you are trying to attack Kesh is this. TAMDA is to protect everyone in the tundra, not just FCC. FCC barely even has a presence in the tundra. Us and Teutonic own most of the fiefs there. The reason this was created is to protect the smaller clans in the tundra. Remnant is nearly nothing it used to be. We are down to about 5-8 active Remnant + the HG guys which only number about the same. Teutonic I'm sure is not much bigger then us either if not smaller. Dracul only owns one fief and has like what 5 active members? (not sure on the count, sorry Artyem :P). And the Free Peasant are off getting drunk some where and Arys if off fucking his horse Betsy.

So how can we compare to all of these big alliances? We dont. We are nothing compared to alliances such as the VE, or Hosp and HP. We dont own nearly as much land or have nearly members and resources. TAMDA is a defensive pact only. For example. Remnant attacking Hosp does not activate the TAMDA because we we're the aggressors. This goes for anyone else in TAMDA who starts a war with someone.

FCC is not the "supreme overlord" of anyone or anything. FCC is doing there own thing attacking Hosp. We are in no way aiding them in the war besides merc. We have given them no troops, gold, or gear at any point. This is in no way being used to safe guard FCC at all. It is strategically beneficial to all of the smaller clans in the tundra. Simple as that. No stupid little conspiracy with FCC to make it easy for them and to take over everything. The government did not plan 9/11. Aliens did not build the pyramids.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #139 on: January 20, 2013, 07:13:39 pm »
It can be easily summed up.  hero party doesn't have the balls to attack us, so theya re pretending all these other tiny clans are somehow vassals of FCC so they can pretend they are beating us by attacking clans 1/10 their size, just like they did with BIRD clan.  Them and Occitan and Hospitallers know they couldn't take Tilbaut castle (the closest fief to them) if their lives depended on it so they instead are bullying on clans that have nothing to do with our faction other than occasionally mercing for us mostly because I ask them and the other side doesn't.

Considering how much hate they have been spewing against FCC, its kind of sad that its been a month and they still haven't attacked us and now it sounds like they are going after other clans.  Pretty cowardly.  but what do you expect from a clan led by Smoothrich, badplayer, blackzilla and shik.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #140 on: January 20, 2013, 07:22:33 pm »
No kesh. Everyone stop trolling this thread. Trolling on both sides from FCC and HP. Its pathetic. Everyone stop flexing your internet muscles at every chance you guys get. All I am trying to do is clear up the TAMDA. Thats all this thread should be for.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #141 on: January 20, 2013, 07:37:10 pm »
No kesh. Everyone stop trolling this thread. Trolling on both sides from FCC and HP. Its pathetic. Everyone stop flexing your internet muscles at every chance you guys get. All I am trying to do is clear up the TAMDA. Thats all this thread should be for.

I already clarified it for people who weren't sure, I don't think much else is necessary.  Its merely an FCC mandated buffer state that replaced KUTT with clans who were anti Hospitallers, so they could safely fight smaller clans across the map without any risk.  Nothing else.  All actions by clans within are pre-approved by Kesh, or created by him, due to his meticulous need for dominating clans and microing them.  This behavior made half of BIRD clan stop playing, I imagine much the same is happening for Remnants and other clans pulled into the web.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #142 on: January 20, 2013, 07:48:56 pm »
I already clarified it for people who weren't sure, I don't think much else is necessary.  Its merely an FCC mandated buffer state that replaced KUTT with clans who were anti Hospitallers, so they could safely fight smaller clans across the map without any risk.  Nothing else.  All actions by clans within are pre-approved by Kesh, or created by him, due to his meticulous need for dominating clans and microing them.  This behavior made half of BIRD clan stop playing, I imagine much the same is happening for Remnants and other clans pulled into the web.

Notice how the thread was started by Elindor? Leader of the HG? Kesh had nothing to do with the forming of the contract except his agreement parts. Kesh is not the architect of it in anyway. The idea of the TAMDA was created by Sauce and was relayed to everyone else throuhg us. And I don't think you should talk about making other quit playing when you have done your fair share in it.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #143 on: January 20, 2013, 07:49:54 pm »
Kesh commands every battle he's in for "TAMDA" factions, much to the displeasure of some people in those factions I hear.
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #144 on: January 20, 2013, 07:53:42 pm »
Kesh commands every battle he's in for "TAMDA" factions, much to the displeasure of some people in those factions I hear.
That's weird because I hear that I've never heard that ever, I hear.
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« Reply #145 on: January 20, 2013, 08:09:49 pm »
Before i left BIRD Clan (ex-LLJK) i saw that poor poor Partyboy who was once a happy and cheerful guy had been chained with shackles by evil FCC and, as time went by FCC got more and more influence over BIRD Clan.

They were using BIRD Clan as proxy soldiers to weaken down Hero Party so that they could eventually proceed with their invasion of the desert which they labeled as ''Operation: Birdtaster''.

As time went by even more they started to be in full control of BIRD Clan, (ex-LLJK) who once fought off countless factions who had conspired against them alone but now were finally under the oppression of 'Grand Wizard Kesh''.

Racism were spreading whilst FCC was in control of BIRD Clan and talking about anti-racism got them to be mad at you.

The only thing that was encouraged was support for homosexuality which they all preached but nothing against anti-racism.

I forgot who it was but one FCC member said ''Anti-Racism is a Code Word for Anti-White''.

Eventually i left because i couldn't take it anymore and what once was a independent faction were selling off fiefs and constantly shrinking whilst being guided/run by the inferior and not so tactical mind of Kesh.

Kesh is very manipulative and there's only a matter of time before Teutonics, Dracul, Frisian and any other small clans who just wants to play strat and have some fun gets incorporated into the bigger evil racist FCC empire.



« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 08:31:20 pm by LordBerenger »
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #146 on: January 20, 2013, 08:21:54 pm »
Lol wow, i don't even need to say anything, the last post was so full of stupidity it proves its opposite without any help from me.  Bravo, Bravo.

P.S. yeah sorry guys for posting this in your thread, TAMDA has nothing to do with FCC other than us helping out if a large clan tries to beat up smaller clans in the area like Hero party did to bird clan in the desert.  I shouldn't even respond to their stupidity, i mean does anyone take hero party seriously anymore after Smoothrich took over from Tydeus and dominates and tells everyone what to do like a dictator with his cronies shik and badplayer and berenger as he rages against FCC while trying to only fight small faction and running away in terror from the actual FCC.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 08:25:49 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #147 on: January 20, 2013, 08:48:18 pm »
I already clarified it for people who weren't sure, I don't think much else is necessary.  Its merely an FCC mandated buffer state that replaced KUTT with clans who were anti Hospitallers, so they could safely fight smaller clans across the map without any risk.  Nothing else.  All actions by clans within are pre-approved by Kesh, or created by him, due to his meticulous need for dominating clans and microing them.  This behavior made half of BIRD clan stop playing, I imagine much the same is happening for Remnants and other clans pulled into the web.

This is odd to hear, for I don't even think Kesh and I have ever spoken to each other. The closest i've gotten to the fellow was through the +/-. The Free Peasants control TAMDA, good sir, your facts are wrong. We all gather in the slum of Uslum and have a merry gang bang of any war goat, sumpter horse, half-bear-men, sheep, or whench you can grab, then whilst in the process of fornication we discuss the future of the tundra. Or maybe that dark figure on the throne overlooking Uslum was Kesh all along.......
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #148 on: January 20, 2013, 08:55:44 pm »
Kesh is great at leading battles in my opinion. 1600 vs 200 with his help was well played. Thanks again buddy :3
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Re: Tundra Area Mutual Defense Agreement (TAMDA) [NA]
« Reply #149 on: January 20, 2013, 09:20:49 pm »
Lets all just agree that Kutt got their asses handed to them. Their fall from the game was spectacular.
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