If you think the right swing is a con of the class you should play it some more. Right swing = best swing.
1h without a shield is in a fine place balance wise, don't make it a class for the masses.
I love how you guys took 2 things from that WHOLE post and keep bashing me with them. To respond.
I disagree, my experience with 1hand no shield is extensive you would be hard pressed to find many players with more time on that build then me. Try it a bit more against good agi 2 hand users and you will notice how overhead and right hand swing leave you open to counter attacks.
The 2 hand reach, speed and animation married to a guy who knows how to move his char will leave you open to be hit when you throw the right hand swing. You have to be careful when you throw the right hand swing, you simply cannot just throw it and not worry about your opponents relative position like a 2 hander can.
You have to keep your position and your opponents relative position in mind when you use the right hand swing. Its another thing you have to keep in mind that a 2 hander simply does not have to worry about, that is why the right hand swing is a con. Sure it does give you extended reach, which is nice but that reach is no where near a 2 hander so really no big deal there. The slight delay however is a killer it leaves you vulnerable against a good 2hander.
Almost same deal as the right hand swing. You have to be careful when you throw it. Against a guy who uses good lateral movement you chances of landing it are 50/50. When you throw it you leave yourself open. Against an "S" key hero it will work, but fight someone who is good at moving side to side and they can take advantage of it. That is why I don't throw overhead often.
I would actually love to see a bonus given for 1 hand no shield, that was a great idea.