at this point, I am bored of cav because it became meh with all the nerfs, so very often i aint trying any more to succeed. which ends up for me in going melee very very often. Dont rly try there that much, but just enough to know, that the only real problem this mod has is class balance (staking).
seriously, an average melee fighter like me, with low class armor and a long hafted blade can fight off several melee cav at once, can dodge several archers at once, often even coming close enough to kill one or another... cant do much against super kighting or HAers, but they can hopefully be dealt with by my teammembers, if they are the right class.
now if I would team up with 3 or four guys of the same class, none of them suited to fight archers, horse archers or cav easily, then wander off alone into the dark....
I would probably make a thread about nerfing those classes. (wink ; )
I actually did, after seeing teeth in one of his prime moments being constantly kited to death by 3-4 archers at the end of every round. but that was far most a balance issue, i quickly realized.
furthermore: thomek is highly dangerous to any class but horsearchers if he doesnt get overwealmed, whoever says he lacks skill doesnt know jack